Reins Of The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is Still The Coolest Mount In the Game!

Coming back after 2 years and I see a lot of new and cool looking mounts. I keep making notes of them and looking up how to obtain one that catches my eye. Even with the tons of awesome mounts in the game now, I still find myself whipping out my Bruto as I’m leveling this new content and using it to repair, sell stuff and get on that auction house from anywhere in the world! That AH feature has saved me so much time. Like just the other day, I forgot about contracts because I have been gone so long. A person I met while questing gave me some advice to get a contract while I was doing all these quests. I immediately pulled out my mount and bought one, then used my Katy Stampwhistle to retrieve it, without having to go all the way back to where my hearth was set.

I also noticed when I’m at a little outpost or quest area and I pull it out, other people will sometimes walk up and use my AH vendor, lol. I still get a kick out of that.

That’s why they shouldn’t bring it back.

So people who obtained it can feel special like an MMO timed event should be.

Don’t worry though, I’m sure it will be an Amazon prime drop eventually.

I still find it ultra cringey when gamers need to gatekeep things to prevent others from obtaining it in order to feel special. Like…get help. Lol.


That’s how the human psyche is, it’s not a shock for any reason.


FOMO is the absolute worst for players. But it makes some gaming companies bank.


I much prefer the Felfire Hawk, personally, but YMMV

People always gate keep this stuff… Reality is if things get bad and Blizzard thinks they can get a bunch of people to sub and drop 100 million gold for the Brutosaur it will come back…

Anyone that thinks Blizzard removed this so that the people that have it can feel proud… well they didnt. Just like when it hit the game last time Blizzard will drop a version of the Brutoisaur into the game the next time they want to sell a bunch of WoW tokens and don’t have a better idea.

Biggest annoyance maybe.

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What I don’t understand is why is it that people think the bruto should be treated any differently than any of the rated PvP mounts or the m+ season mounts for example. Please explain how they’re different.

Go on. I’ll wait.

But remember that:

  1. All 3 categories of content require different but equally complex skill sets to succeed in.
  2. All 3 categories can be bought with IRL cash.
  3. All 3 categories can be bought with in-game gold.
  4. All 3 categories can use bugs to exploit success.
  5. All 3 categories can leverage add-ons to become more successful at.

I find it ultra tacky when people try to shame gamers for being proud of something they accomplished in a game. And there’s nothing wrong with not wanting your trophy to become the Bronze Drake because then it feels a lot less like a trophy.

Not sure when shaming people for that became acceptable but I guess it’s like all things in life: it’s not cool to bully someone unless they stand for something you disagree with.

Having said that, I don’t think there’s anything prestigious about a vendor mount and it was never a “timed event.” Blizzard just arbitrarily changed their mind on it being in the game so they moved it to the BMAH where it disappeared for two years. I’m sure that was an accident ofc.

They had to opportunity to put it back on the vendor when it was missing from the BMAH and that’s what they should have done.


The reason they removed it in the first place, is if you remember, they were having server stabilization issues with the mounts. The mount started out bigger than the current version now. Because of it’s huge size and the fact that multiple people would be using the AH on it, from multiple points around the game world at the same time, was giving the server issues, that they did not predict. It was basically causing lag for other people.

So at first, they reduced the size of the Bruto mount, which caused a lot of folks who had already purchased it to get angry. I think Blizz thought that would solve most of the issues, but it obviously did not. In the end, they decided to remove it altogether from the vendor. I would imagine their thinking was that if they left it on there, eventually a lot more people would purchase it over the next few years and thus cause even more stability issues on large servers.

By moving it to the BMAH, they could control how many were released into the gaming world. Say one every 4-5 months would be acceptable, versus a thousand more people buying them over a 2 year period if left on the vendor. HOWEVER, even that I think was too much as they mysteriously removed it from the BMAH for about 2 years. I think again, it was another effort to restrict this mount on servers. In their mind, this gave time for players who already had the mount to stop playing the game and reduce the number of these mounts, before they placed it back on the BMAH.

In summary: They made the mount too big and the AH vendor gave them unexpected issues, they did not foresee. As you know with this game, a lot of older players have stopped playing and left the game. Thus their mounts die with their inactive account. I really think this was their plan, when removing it from the BMAH for so long. Basically, they want to limit the number of these things on the servers for the future. I too left the game for about 2 years and recently returned. I noticed that a few of my old guildies that had the mount, no longer play the game anymore.

For this reason, I do not think they will ever allow it to be put back on a vendor for mass purchase. It is still a large mount, even with the reduced size they did back in the day. I’m not sure there is a mount larger, but I’ve been gone a long time, so I don’t know for 100%

yeh then you got the itty bitty little tiny emerald helper who can do all that and a bag of chips.

id rather have a emerald helper.

or make pinion do it all.

I can’t tell if this is serious or sarcasm

It be cooler if it was like a mobile city where it had everything from A to Z.

Blizz could just do a recolor of the Bruto for 8 Million. The green Bruto cost 5 Million in BFA. The people who brought the green one saved 3 Million and still feel special.

I would pay 8 million for a blue or pink bruto.

Serious! I use it just about every day. I never even visit the AH in the city anymore. I just used it yesterday to level up my alchemy, as I was buying certain ingredients and using my portable mailbox as I leveled next to a beautiful lake. I also use it to vendor stacks of herbs as I gather them and sometimes just check a price of something. I do a ton of quests, so when I’m near a questhub and pull it out, I’ve seen people come up and use my AH and vendor on the other side of the mount as well. Back when I first got it and was in a raiding guild, when someone got a upgrade in the raid from a boss, they’d want me to take the mount out, so they could buy an enchant immediately to put on their new upgrade and then continue onto the next boss.

Do you really think it saves you time? Especially once you consider all the time it took to make all the gold to pay for it originally? Are you familiar with opportunity cost?

Though really…don’t mind me. You’re happy and that’s all that matters :slight_smile:

What is it with people bumping all of these stupid brutosaur threads?

No one thinks trolling the internet is funny. Get a hobby.

It didn’t really take a long time to make 5 million gold to be honest. I enjoy playing the AH and farming for rare drops and herbs. So once I decided I wanted the mount, I farmed the 5 million in about 4 months and that wasn’t really putting much effort into it. I actually farmed about a million more than I needed. I was raiding pretty hardcore during that time as well, or it would of taken me a lot less time. Unfortunately, I had some health issues soon after getting the mount and I ended up in the hospital for a month and then got out for a week, only to go back to the hospital for another 2 weeks. I decided to take a break from the game, as the operation I had in the hospital had left me very weak and I was in a ton of pain while recovering.

I realize farming gold is difficult for some people, but with the right addons and dedication, it is not that hard. When you see people say they are at or beyond the gold cap, most people dismiss this as a lie or impossible. Truth is, a lot more people have more gold than they know what to do with. I just recently returned and I think between my alts and my main, I have around 1.6 million left. I don’t have time to farm right now as I’m trying to do all the quests in the Dragon isles in preparation for the new pathfinder coming up. I’ll be getting my rep up with the factions for the next month or 2, until I’m done. Then I’d like to start raiding again and farming for gold in my off time. I think Blizz will put a gold sink mount into the game again at some point, so I want to be ready if they do. I don’t think they will ever put an AH vendor on one again, due to the server stability issues they had, but I’m sure they will do something cool to make people drool over it.