Regular freezing/latency that goes away when running WinMTR

Pretty much every time I play classic anniversary realms (retail too but not as bad) I get frequent latency spikes where the game will completely freeze up for usually ~5 sec, sometimes as long as 20 sec.

Here is the weird part. I started running WinMTR to to try and determine where the slowness is and the issue goes away completely. It’s at the point where I just run it constantly because if I dont the game is unplayable.

What could possibly be causing latency that running WinMTR would solve it completely? It seems like the connection sleeps without a constant ping or something.

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It sounds like you’re playing on wifi. The extra throughput is likely making the router or nic keep a stronger signal(probably through beamforming or something like that, maybe channel hopping or channel width. Sometimes certain combinations will result in less maximum bandwidth, but you’ll have a stronger connection) and is resulting in either less packet loss for WoW.

Have you made sure Windows isn’t permitted to automatically disable your adapter based on power use?

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I’ll give turning that setting off a try. I’m on a LAN on a desktop though with traffic going through it, I wouldn’t expect windows to turn it off, but you never know I guess, worth a try.

Edit: It doesn’t look like turning the power management setting off helped at all.

Did you mess with the subnet mask settings for the connection in Windows? Sometimes using the wrong one can cause this. Double NAT can also cause it.

I only have one modem and I dont see any double NAT in the tracert. My subnet mask is the default

I did notice I have an old VirtualBox ethernet adaptor enabled, I’ve disabled it and so far Im running smoothly. Hopefully that fixed it.

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