Regular Draenei Heritage Armor?

It seems like every playable race has heritage armors now except for regular trolls and regular draenei. Has there been any type of hint if it’ll be coming any time soon?

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Wouldn’t be shocking if it came next expansion.

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We should be getting content updates (every 8 weeks confirmed by Blizz) leading up to War Within.

They said there would be a lot of requested things and some surprises. I suspect Draenei and Troll heritage to be among them.

I’ll go a little off topic but I wonder if the draenei’s heritage might lack crystals because of the earthen aesthetic? :robot::thought_balloon:

Hopefully it’s more Outlands-survivor / warrior-like and less “purple-crystal-paladin”.

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I’m hoping for a dual Draenei and Dark Spear Troll release before end of this expansion.

Eventually, Yes. Soon, no one here knows. They’ve been releasing heritage armor for races periodically for quite a while, but there has been no date announced for either of those races.