Regarding War Within's story

“But there is a yawning chasm of darkness beneath you, mortals. Vast, endless, and all-consuming. I do not believe that you can correct this doomed course.”
-Ra-den, Mists of Pandaria

Y’all think we’ll finally learn what he meant by this or maybe no?


It’s sort of like the Jailor and his predictions. It leaves the door open for future expansions.

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We did, in BFA.

I do not remember that. We tangoed with N’Zoth but there wasn’t much yawning darkness below happening in BfA.

Given how important Ra-den was during the N’Zoth story of BfA (and the fact that he sort of fell to that ‘darkness’ in becoming corrupted by N’Zoth for the raid) I always assumed that, in his case, that foreshadowing led to the events of BfA.

I thought that Ra-den talking about the “yawning chasm of darkness” was a refernce to Ny’alotha.

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I don’t know we seem to be going directly against (Xal’atath the harbinger of the void) which implies a lot of darkness and doom. But looking into tww than it also seems like we are fighting the light as well?

I wouldn’t be surprised if they use old whispers as a reference point, as well as old lore like that.

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I mean there are many such abysses beneath Azeroth. Maybe he means we walk the narrow path…stray but a little

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

The Troggs don’t show up in the War Within. :crystal_ball::robot:

…well, yet. Could see the Azerite Troggs being a menace anywhere. :robot::sweat_drops: