Hello all, I appear to have found myself in some hot water and I have come here looking for a solution, or at the very least, some practical advice. I have found myself in the maw a great deal lately, though I know the zone is extremely unpopular with the player-base, I have begun to grow rather fond of it. This is mostly because of one reason: Ve’nari. Her voice actor is incredible.
I have often found myself in the maw lolling about near an unsightly cliff or crevasse or in the shade of a tower utterly entranced by the echoes of her voice that whimsically and playfully penetrate the dull recesses of my orcish mind. I was so given over to the marvelous and delicious spectacle on more than one occasion that I found hours had gone by where I was rooted in one spot, unable to escape the ecstatic state of of joy and wonderment my mind was ensconced in. The sultry and alluringly seductive eastern timbre of her voice had, in an instant, transported me to to the splendors of ancient Egypt or Persepolis at their apex. I might have fashioned myself a Pharaoh or an Emperor in the likes of Cyrus the Great.
Unfortunately, my extended sojourns to the maw have attracted the attention and suspicion of my formidable wife, who often joins me in my dailies. I apparently spent a great deal of time picking up the daily quests from Ve’nari and an even great deal longer turning them in. It did not take long for her to take note of my infatuation with Ve’nari and has decided to forbid me from making further excursions to the maw. I had found a temporary work around by doing my dailies in the dead of night as she slept, but I was quickly caught. She also caught me imdbing the actor and downloading overwatch as Ve’nari’s actor voices a character in it as well. I quite tried to convince her no one in their right mind would play Ana, but it did little to allay her suspicions.
Because of this I see little reason to log in the game at present. What should I do?
Thank you.