Regarding the fake "Leak" on MMO-C

You know this has happened to a lot of games right. Even Blizz games. They cancel the project completely or put it in maintenance mode. History repeats itself and to think something will last forever is foolish at best. WoW had a good run, 17 years is pretty amazing just a shame the last 5 or so was in the gutter.

Activision Blizz is a business and they will shut down or put in maintenance mode ANYTHING they feel is the right move. Then focus on a new project.

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I browse MMO C sometimes but I don’t remember seeing anything unless it was something some random poster there said.

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That mmo-champion post is obviously fake.

Very excellent post!

The only thing I disagree with is the merging of factions. Them being at war is the basis of the entire Warcraft universe. Sure in WoW there may be (strained) peace at times, and that’s fine. But much of the content, especially pre-WoW is about the war between them.* Merging them would also make future war-based content harder to make I imagine.

I don’t like the pvp aspect much either, but the fighting of NPCs of the other faction is pretty much everywhere.

*Note: I haven’t actually played Warcraft 3 but I played the first 2 including 2’s expansion.

Oh yeah. Playable ogres, while interesting, is not something I think would work well. Especially not Azerothian ogres who are quite low on intellect.

I absolutely do not want any of the people back from ff14. If they like that game in any way, then I dont want anymore wow content directed at that sort of player. Good riddance. And that goes for you as well, although sincerely nothing personal.

Your list of things, with exception of communication and faction merger, have absolutely nothing to do with endgame, power progression, etc, so it’s all not the direction this game needs to go, imo.

Player housing, customization, all that bull$hit is for role playing games. There is a big difference between rpg, and mmorpg. The focus of the genre is ALWAYS itemization, power progression, endgame content.

Um… MMORPG is a type of RPG. Notice the same letter triad in there. I don’t like telling someone they are wrong, but by definition you are. You seem to want WoW to become a different type of MMO. A non-rpg one.

Whew. 22 edits and multiple break-ups and syntax corrections later, I think I have the original post in the best form it can be. I’m sure that it’s mostly shouting at the wind, but you know what? I don’t care.

At least I can say that until the end I tried to offer solutions, ideas, and alternative paths. At least I can safely conclude that if nothing changes, the issue was on the people who ignored those ideas, as they always did; and not the player-base of World of Warcraft which is and always has been one of the best and most passion driven collectives in MMOs, even though like all things it has it’s bad eggs.

So just like raiding then???

It’s tough trying to get people to agree to good ideas, trust me… I know.

Starts scrolling down to see how long the post is

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Can’t really compare the new raid yet because it’s still too fresh.
49% between A/H +

Also, these numbers are likely lower than the real percentage of players because a lot of people have tons of alts, but only raid on one or two of them. For instance, I have four level 60s, but only raid/m+ on one of them. The %s are based on character profiles, not accounts. Tons of people use per character only achievements as well. Realistically, I’d say it’s a safe estimate to say 3/4 of players raid.

Honestly surprised by those numbers as I do not see the appeal. 🤷

Post just restored. Thank you for that Blizzard.

Additionally a big thank-you to the people who tried and failed with their false flagging. I thank you for your intolerance, as it aided me in the end. May Blizzard punish each of you for abusing the system. This is another point that needs to be addressed as Blizzard moves forward. Addressing toxicity on the forums, and abuse of the system.

Yet, although the mobs of psychology failed at their endeavor, they did me a service. Now I can be certain that someone within Blizzard at least has seen it, and even better agreed with the post at least enough that it was restored in spite of the mob’s best efforts. Ultimately, that is all I could have asked.

I hope my words reach someone who cares about this game, and this company.

All I wish is their success in the end.


It’s a tough crowd on here

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I want content we all pay for that got removed back. I want the brawl’gar mounts.

A long and worthwhile read. I don’t necessarily agree with your requests, for example I wouldn’t play an ogre, I do believe that more customization makes the game better.

It is easy to see your passion and I commend you for that.

On the other hand, I do think you made one error - see bolded part below. Blizz was very successful for a long time, many of their early games made sales records only to be exceeded by their next game. This I think has engendered the hubris in Blizz. Somewhat recently demonstrated by the statement: “You think you do, but you don’t.”

I don’t want to hear another non-apology, I would like to see them fix things.

An underpaid overeducated hard working and (here’s the most rare trait) morally upstanding kindergarten teacher manages that daily. Bobby Kotick money could at least buy some time 3 days a week to interact with the Little Ones.

(To be clear, the Little Ones are actually the first of the first known pantheons of pantheons. They ordered the cosmology of cosmological order in the first place – without their infantile attention devoted directly on a flashy light for 17 years, the Uwuniverse of Uwurcraft doesn’t even exist in your reality. If you don’t believe me… Well, you must just be a dummy dumb.)

Does a blizzard of lawsuits count?

You nailed it and reminded me of something. John Adams had a saying.

How much “ruin” can be sustained before something is exhausted and destroyed? He was speaking about things that were successful, and created by successful decisions.

When you create something successful, there is an inheritance of sorts that is passed on, but there is also an associated amount of ‘ruin’ that is also inherited. Ruin is how much negligence or poor judgment can be sustained before the banked asset is completely squandered.

The same can applies here to Blizzard.

I’d say… probably around Cataclysm, maybe a little near the end of Wrath is when the ruin started to be honest. It was a small trickle at first, the CRZ fiasco was a bigger one in MoP, Real-ID Forums, and so on.

Yet by the time we reached the end of Legion it’d become a torrent of vitriol that got bigger and bigger and was capped off and encapsulated with statements such as “You think you do, but you don’t” and “Do you guys not have phones?”.

Now we’re at a point where even die-hard Warcraft fans like me are ready to say “screw it”.

But how did we get there? We got there by Blizzard not paying attention to their customers. Every time they ranted politics on Twitter, every time a employee said something hateful and was given a pass, while others were punished for less; ruin was expended.

They are a game-company. They should not be weighing in on hot-issue politics, and their employees need to understand that when they speak, even on a private Account they still speak for Blizzard. Even worse when they attack the players and blame them for what was their own faults.

Now we’re at a point that the ruin is just about as great or greater than the banked good will and good faith the player-base has. You are right on. It will do no good to apologize.

Let’s be honest. Veterans of MMOs, and players like me have heard plenty of heartfelt “We could of listened better” spiels, and other insincere humility statements from guys like Positron, or from companies like Lucasarts, E.A., and so on.

We don’t want an apology. We want actions. We want Blizzard to fight for WoW.

This is why I say if Blizzard were to just rage quit all development on World of Warcraft, and say “We’re making WoW II!! You wanted it, you got it. See we listened!”, most people will say:

“Yeah, great. But we spent 18 years as a patron and customer of your company. How can we trust you? We cannot. You never even tried to fix the problem the first time. Instead you ran away from the issue, allowed Senior Game Producers to attack us, and then ultimately you tore-down for a small fringe of angry internet mobsters what was probably your greatest work. Thanks for the memories, but no thanks.”