Regarding the fake "Leak" on MMO-C

They can fix wow itself pretty easy with way less money than a 2 couple changes everyone will shutup. You know it’s fake just social media addicts joining the hatewagon. Most people on social media act just like sjw’s something dominating news I have to get in on it oh that’s all of yt streamers twitch and so on. Kind of just like the forums

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I don’t think you understand what working with a 25 year old gaming engine is, bro. Like, I would very much welcome a WoW II just because the current WoW engine is probably a major hinderance to any new developers coming into the company.


Im so behind things. What leak?


I would hold off on judging what a person knows before you know the individual.

Pretty much that was a big factor in all of my suggestions.

This could have simply been added to the thread that included the leak. Weird.

Obvious troll on a level 10 classic alt.

And give that poster more traction? I think not.

Long and short for Kneeshooter, a guy on MMOC seems to think WoW is about to enter a maintenance mode and that WoW II will be a thing. I simply am of the mind that based off the track record of how WoW was handled, I am not in a disposition that would make me ever trust this company with another MMO, if they could not fix this one first.

And if there is nothing to discuss, why are you even here Dieliania? Go post elsewhere.

I’m doubtful of how many people would agree with your ‘fixes’. I personally do not agree – even if they added every single thing on your list, I would not be interested. And point 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are so vague and unhelpful.

And communication always slows down and disappears. It’s not unique to WoW, it happens to literally every bright-eyed developer that is still idealistic and innocent. Then they have to actually deal with the utter crap that ‘communcation with players’ actually entails, and then he has the soul torn from him. It’s a rite of passage, really.

Actually the leak makes complete sense. WoW has been a cash grab as it dies for the last few expansions. They milked that cow about as much as they can. Time to call it and have SL be the last expansion. Don’t get me wrong I love WoW but come on… this obviously isn’t working. They need to take some time off and deliver a new MMORPG or WoW 2.

Diablo actually is a far more promising title especially if they can pull it off.


No, they’d have a creation rate similar to mechagnomes

No, but cross faction grouping should be a thing.

Regular content has to be paced. The small diehard group of 16h a day players will chew through it in days, then blow up the forums about there being nothing to do, start a trend that makes WoW look bad, even though it’s only <10% of the playerbase complaining. Eventually casuals, the bulk of players, will see this and think the sky is falling because they can’t be bothered to do so simple research.

It’s one of the paths of it, but WoW isn’t a one trick pony. I do agree that they shouldn’t place as much emphasis on it. If they want to do the esport route, they would have to simplify the ability bloat and lock the UI so that it can’t be customized. WoW is a nightmare to hop streams on because WoW’s UI is such a clusterpluck on a per player basis.

No, breaks class/spec fantasy too much.

Not worth the developmental effort. It would be something that maybe 10% of the playerbase would take seriously. The rest of players would dabble in it a few days and then not care anymore.

Professions need to be gated to prevent them from bypassing current content because it reduces the amount of people doing activities like farming m+.

You aren’t entitled to that. Most big dev studios don’t do that either.

Avatars as in the characters we play and their options? That’s a huge cost on GPU/CPU to deal with that many shader permutations.

The MMO industry is a fraction of what it was during its bubble. It’s come and gone, we are just riding the tail end of the bell curve in denial. How many PS1 era turn based JRPGs come out these days that stick to the exact old formula now? Pretty much the only large one now is Pokemon. There have been a few attempts at it over the years, but none hit massive popularity. That’s an example of a dead formula/genre. Works fine for some small studio/company with <500 employees total, but Actiblizz has around 10,000 employees total.

MMOs aren’t coming back and likely won’t. 99% chance of this. The future is smaller team based games like Destiny 2 or buy+F2P MMOs. Few people care about the social aspect anymore because there are like 30 social media platforms, XBL/PSN, Discord, and like 30000000000 other games out there with social aspects to them. It’s not special anymore. People have had 10-15 solid years of being on the internet and being exposed to the world now.

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If you are 99 % sure it is fake , stop giving it life by making another thread about it.

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Not sure why people think it’s fake. Everything in there can easily happen. Been saying SL should be the last expansion before the lawsuits. It makes sense. Everything else in there seems spot on too. If the Leaks aren’t true, very insightful post because it’s entirely believable.

Are you kidding me about this? They could create SO MUCH PLAYER EXPRESSION from player housing, and so much content from it too. Imagine doing time walking, old raids, or using your professions to make furniture in your house. It’d be the next BEST THING TO TRANSMOG.

Not only that, you could hang out tier sets around the house, weapons, have your battle pets running around, and mounts hanging out in a mount stable outside the house. Player expression has always been a thing in WoW.


That’s what the op said, ask him

I too would be incredibly angry to find out JFK Jr just replaced Joe Biden as president, and named Venusian Elvis Presley as vice president.

Remember when we thought Diablo Immortal was an out of season April Fools joke?

And that Hearthstone was the April Fools joke?

Aeladrine remembers.

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Tripping right out the gate, I see. :wink:

You be Frank. I’ll be Eustace and we can go for long walks along the beach talking about various conspiracy theories and drinking white wine spritzers. My favorite one is about the Illuminati being seeds from the lost continent of Atlantis.



Imagine imagining there is nothing wrong.

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I’d rather WoW die than have playable Ogres.

They’re full on clown.


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