Regarding Mobility

Dear Blizz,
I understand that different classes must have a different feel and tradeoffs must be made for utility and power.

That said, it feels like there is sone misunderstanding between boss design and class design. In M+ right now there are quite a bit of bosses that literally block any stick and move mechanics on higher difficulties. Last boss in NO and forge boss in Neltharus as an example. As a warlock i have to move off from ground effects as soon as they are placed or risk death. Having a few instant casts is helpful here but my dps still drops significantly once these phases start. Our “utility” is also gimped as we cant stay in place long enough to do a brez.

I believe that if the boss fight design is moving more towards movement, making a class less mobile is quite counterintuitive. Why would any group bring a warlock to a dungeon where they cant contribute to dps 25%-50% of the fight? They can just bring a ret pally.

Either we need to have some sort of very slow walk while casting things like shadowbolt, our cast time on some spells need to be significantly shorter than mechanics on the ground or please leave our mobility alone. It is bad enough already.



Honestly this is just you learning the fight and learning when to bank demon bolt procs.

Demo is really easy to game those fights to where it’s a non issue.

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not bashing Demo in it’s current state. Just replying to blue post where they seem to imply that they want demo to be less mobile.


But you’re making some pretty out of bounds assumptions.

Last boss of NO, 2nd half of the fight at 10 key, the swirlies are constantly spawning under my feet. If my procs aren’t firing, i contribute little to the fight. Most times i’m ok but there was 1 time where i had major down time with no insta casts handy and all i could do was dodge.

Similar thing happened on the forge boss. At a 10 key (which is not so high btw) i had to keep moving until my procs came back. Just a bad place to be in.

You are right, i did generalize quite a bit but these situations do happen. And if the intent of blizz is to make Demo less mobile while requiring fights to be more mobile, then it will simply happen more.

You have tools like port and gate to get around that. You also know that phase is coming and can bank charges. Or save power siphon for.

I’m not trying to be mean but this is
something that is worked around with the tools you have.

Sounds more like positioning issues and not pre planning which is everything ranged is minus bm hunter.

They may happen due to poor rng or planning but it’s not even close to 50% of a fight.

I have ran both of those fights and have never felt it as issue.

Im not even sure why youre bringing gate/port to the conversation. He or she is referring to dpsing while moving. Which a large part of dps are able to dps on the move.

I have had situations where I didn’t receive any core procs at all during some part of a boss fight in mythic+ runs.

Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it can’t happen to others. Rng IS Rng. And this is going from having 100% from drestalkers. Not the 33% one.

Which reminds me of the capstone talent that we currently have for the eye that when it was released that talent had an atrocious rng percentage, you have one player in a raid that could get it to almost 60% of the fight and another that was close to 20% which is pretty terrible and I imagine anything having percentages like this is going to have something similar.

I’m all for preparing knowing fights but not when it’s reliant on a 33% chance on something you might or might not especially when you include movement mechanics.

So many frustrating moments with having to cast soul stone and then stop my cast to move. Better to iron this out now than having to deal with it later through patches of woops my mistake.

Hopefully the alpha testers can test this out to an extreme and there’s a good avg. Not this deal with it.


Because in keys it’s less likely to have a default gate set down. If you’re struggling with getting casts off I was suggesting they use some of their utility to port away from swirlies.

Most casters are not able to cast on the move.

And if they can cast on the move they aren’t able to maximize their damage because it’s things like ice lane spam or scorch.

Then you were banking your charges correctly.

A big part of maximizing your damage is banking core charges for when you need to

You’re completely misunderstanding the point. There’s no rng if you preplan to go
Into a move with at least 2 procs.

You do know back in bfa when tyrant wasn’t giving souls hard some players had that same comment.

It’s fine as long as you plan it out. Turns out it wasn’t. Due to resources/mobility. Blizz has to fix it through a patch to have tyrant generate soul shards.

Or the one where locks back in legion didn’t start out with 3 soul shards because the devs wanted to control our resource generation and again mobility.

Both of these times we had power syphon. Guess we’ll see.

I only really play destro, but this idea that warlocks should be just immobile turrets does not fit with the encounter design at all. If you had defensives to reduce damage by 99% so you could stand there and soak things then fine, but you can’t. So Blizzard’s argument that warlocks are tanky is just not realistic at all. You have to move just like everyone else or you die. And you can’t do anything while moving.

It would be one thing if it was one swirly every once in a while but they have them literally chase you or a zone just appears under you. And while portal and gate are useful they are nowhere near as nice as blink because if you set a port you don’t even know if that spot will be a good spot to port to. It’s just annoying and warlocks should be given a little more ability to do damage while moving, not less.


Low mobility is going to suck but as long as they give us big fancy buttons then I’m fine with it.

Demonology getting more variety and CONSISTENCY in major summons, and the potential idea that the overfiend will be something a destro lock will summon once its talent tree is reworked is what I want to see more of.

Oh and the synergy of talents, though that can be said, and should be a given, for a lot of classes.

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At the bare minimum one of those dogs should be giving 1 core when the other could be rng but having it to where there’s the potential of getting 0 procs from them is a hard nope from me.

Especially if I’m seeing more movement while DPS mechanics to dps specs which in turn is a big red light to me that this next expansion might have some crazy mechanics involving said movement.

I don’t understand why they can’t just bring back KJC and make it a capstone in the class tree. Give it a cooldown, and it allows you to cast and move for x amount of seconds. I’ve seen this brought up so many times. Not like there aren’t caster classes that have something like this. Mages have ice floes, Evokers have hover, and shammans have spiritwalkers grace, a lot of hunters abilities can be used instantly or cast while moving, for some examples.

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Lastly I wouldn’t have an issue with mobility comment if I didn’t see specs that have a high bloat on mobility, for clarity I believe none of the dps specs require more mobility absolutely 0.

Yet the specs with high incredible mobility in pve are even getting more so next expansion and to come of and say warlocks we don’t like the amount of mobility you guys have through core procs is pretty asinine to me.

Doesn’t even matter to me if they said resources half the dps specs close to overcap them anyways.

And they were probably accurate then as well.

Comparing one niche situation from 2 expansions ago isn’t an argument.

Comparing multiple expansions ago to current retail isn’t an argument.

If you aren’t using every available tool to
Maximize your dps that’s on you.

Either we need to have some sort of very slow walk while casting things like shadowbolt, our cast time on some spells need to be significantly shorter than mechanics on the ground or please leave our mobility alone. It is bad enough already.

Responding for this, I don’t know how good or bad or even slightly viable this would be, but the idea that we can always cast while moving, but at slow walk speed would really be sick as hell for an aesthetic. Charging a Chaos Bolt and slow walking as menacing music plays.

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Not to mention, go into PvP and its like. “Oh no, the Warrior charged and began his burst, time to circle.”

Followed by, assuming you aren’t ON your circle when he charged, “Oh no, he cancelled Bladestorm and charged me again! I’ll gateway now!”

“Oh no, he Heroic Leaped after me, and may already have Charge back, guess I’ll fear-”

“Oh… spell reflected and/or berserker rage, forcing me to waste a GCD on spell reflect, or try Shadowfury, or SOMETHING.” Only for Pummel, Storm Bolt, OR Shockwave to get used, which will only get easier in War Within.

Point is, warlocks having bad mobility is one thing, but our mobility is stuck to MoP era, while pretty much every other class has gotten improvements to their mobility since is insane.

Of course, in PvP at least, there are a mixture of plays, baits, positioning, and teamwork-related interactions that can solve for much of this, but the point remains the same. Most melee classes in this game, if they know how to play against a warlock properly, have no problem keeping pace and always hitting us, interrupting us, and making life worse. Or you know, just pillaring us the whole game…


I guess i am not skilled enough to pre-plan my rng procs on a phase that lasts over a minute on Tyranical weeks.

Also no gates or positioning will save you from swirlies that target the player not some random spot on the ground.

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I mean you literally have timers showing you when things happen.

You’re acting like the swirlies are constant.

Then why would you be stop casting and moving on unavoidable damage?

I’m just saying that you’re complaining about an issue that most people don’t really have an issue with. I don’t care what you do. I’m just telling you how to maximize your damage. If you choose to ignore it that’s on you.