Refuting common arguments against Dual Spec

I dont agree and there are no numbers available that supports the ‘imbalance’ argument. The change came because of a complaints based on that.

that being said Alliance having SoB doesnt affect me in anyways so why not. Same way Merc mode and dual spec will not affect anyone else.

I liked it when you ignored the part of my post that said the original developers didn’t want re-speccing to be easy and whimsical.

Dual spec addresses the problem of the shortage of tanks and healers. More people will be able to group and do the content when some dps dual spec into a tanking or healing spec

This is obviously mathematically wrong. If there are 10 tanks and 100 people looking for a group 60 people aren’t going to find a tank. Networking and guilds is just a way to increase a person’s chance of being one of the 40 winners that find a group. There will still be 60 losers that can’t find a tank or a group. The only way to help more people find a group is to increase the number of tanks and healers. I know some people lack math skills but this is such simple math.

Although there are no statistics to verify this, the experience of most players when Dual Spec was introduced was players picked a PvE grinding spec and a PvP spec. It made little significant impact to healer / tank shortage.

You would need to have Tri Spec so that players can do everything at any time in order to address this.

Too late for that. With boosts and a store bought mount, drum and pally seal changes, this already isn’t an authentic TBC experience. Why are you still playing it? Clearly you accept the many changes made.


My experience was that it was easier to find groups after dual spec was released. Not a big change for my holy priest but I play a lot of alts. It was a significant change for my dps alts. No it didn’t “solve” the problem but it made it less severe

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This isn’t even the tenth dual spec thread. You’re sick of people disagreeing with you and you want to silence them. Since it’s not spam the op’s post will be unflagged soon

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I personally didn’t notice any significant impact. But as a dime-a-dozen rogue, finding a group was always challenging.

At any rate, it still contradicts the original developers to include Dual Spec in TBC. Re-speccing was intended to be inconvenient.

The original devs weren’t gods and classic isn’t a holy relic. It was a good game with flaws. The devs realized and changed things to fix those flaws. When were the devs working on dual spec? While we were play BC. By the time vanilla ended they already knew dual spec was needed. They worked on it and released it with wrath. We can learn from history and release it now since the work is already done


So your opinion is that the paid boost and the store bought mount is a smaller change than the pally seal change and you’re ok with boosts

Yes, I recently had to respec to put points in threat reduction. I didn’t need it in Classic but I’ve found that when I have to heal a lot, especially when I need to cast prayer of healing, I’m drawing aggro.

The reason why i didnt address it is that Blizzard at that time was not open to changes, now we know they very well are. Blizzard really addressed your points all along the road to TBC.

Theyre good with changes

False everything u said is wrong.
Its ur uneducated opinion I suggest you do some reading

So long as you both acknowledge that your suggested change is entirely contradictory to the spirit and design of the game.

I think that it itself demonstrates that the suggestion is not inconsequential nor objectively better.

I could say that you misunderstood my post. But I doubt you did. I think you’re deliberately lying because you didn’t have a good counter argument.

I’m sure it’s easier to believe that.

The fact that you are advocating a change which is explicitly contradictory to the game design is pretty clear that your opinion is entirely subjective. It is not an objectively superior change.

Maybe adding Death Knights would make TBC better? Who knows.

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And neither is dual spec. The game is not unplayable as is.

The only fact in that statement is that opinions are by definition subjective. Your opinion that dual spec is a change that is contradictory to the game design is entirely subjective. The difference between you and me is I know my opinions are subjective and you’re completely ignorant that your opinions are too.

See, if you ever decide you want to understand, a good starting place would probably be the recognition that you’re playing one character, not an entire class.

Not that I expect that to happen. Enjoy your 50 gold/week respec bill.

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