Refugees in Stormwind - A possible future crisis?

That involved Fandraal’s Old God recipe, something they’re not likely to go down with again.

For the tree right? I’m talking more about building the cities on the top of it. There is fine stonework, houses, and so on.


As I recall, wasn’t the corruption added by Fandral grafting a corrupted branch onto the young Teldrassil? I don’t remember anything saying one way or the other whether the corruption affected the speed of growth of the tree.


This was always a curious aspect to me, and one that kind of breaks immersion when you find out Teldrassil was grown practically yesterday. There is an entire civilization on top of it and it gives the air of as ancient one to someone new to the lore, then you find out it was just planted there right before the game started and it’s like “uh, okay then.”


Is just their architecture, but yeah, they built a lot in 4 years. Settling down in some place is not a problem for night elves, they can build a home really fast.

You can see actual ancient stuff in other zones like Ashenvale though, last time leveling i noticed some broken statues, really neat stuff.


Old Ashenvale, from Classic, is one of my favorite zones of all time. It really gives you that giant ancient forest vibe. Coming to the first big Torii looking gate on the hill by (I think) Maestras Post is one of the most breath taking experiences.


This has always been my hangup with Darnassus. They didn’t just grow a giant magic tree, they didn’t just build a city, they also build three small population centers there and lost one of them to furbolgs. And there’s harpies on that tree. And all kinds of animal life. Grells too.

When I first started the game and knew nothing about Darnassus’s history, it didn’t bother me. But when I learned all of this happened in under a decade, it stuck with me. Sure, Fandrel stuck a magic branch on the tree, but… Did the night elves transport the furbolgs and harpies there? Did they wander there on their own, and somehow not be noticed by the sentinels standing guard at the pink gate? And was it an army of them, or did they just breed quicker than bunnies?

It still bugs me, far more than it ever should.


I think they did. Night Elves have been known to have been friendly with the firbolgs in the past, and I think they got along with the Harpies since I suspect there are common roots. But both turned out to be particurlarly susceiptible to the corruption of the Tree… possibly as Fandraal may have planned.

As I think about, given Blizzard has said the Elves end up with dark shore, they have plenty of land to settle refugees in without having to send them to Stormwind. So I don’t think they would show up there in great numbers.

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Less than you think. Part of the Night Elf ecology is to avoid dense settlement, they kept their numbers down to a level where the land could comfortably sustain them and a fair amount of Darkshore stopped being there thanks to the Cataclysm.

I know HOTS had a concept of Neo Stormwind, where all the races of the Alliance lived under one grand city.

https:// cdn. gamer-network. net/2018/usgamer/heroes-of-the-storm-nexus-art.JPG

I don’t play HOTS but the wiki makes it sound like that has nothing to do with WoW beyond the name. It’s set on Earth for one thing.

Its… kind of bland and generic-looking. Like Going to the Epcot Center in Disneyworld, its got shallow, tourist-type parks that “look” different, but it doesn’t change the fact that your still in Florida.

The Mage Quarter is probably going to expanded on for all of the races or since the Night Elves and Worgen are done with Stormwind. They will probably be retaking Gilneas as their New Homeland and Capital. Since the land itself is very empty and its a good place for them to settle in.

I think this one, the answer is that the World Tree Teldrassil wasn’t so much built upon as the World Tree lifted up what was already on the island. If he was merely starting from scratch Fandral wouldn’t have needed to move everybody to a remote island away from the most sacred place to the night elves.

As for the thread, had the war gone on than yes Stormwind probably would be in a refugee crisis, but with the war ended for the time being its more a a resource issue.

Gilneas was reclaimed during the assault on Undercity and Horde table shows Alliance marshaling forces from there to try and attack the Bulwark and then Silvermoon. Thus the Gileneans are merely resources to rebuild and some help from druids cleaning up blight away from being able to go home, and surely they would let any night elves that want to build a district come along.

Tyrande likewise in the Alliance epilogue implied that the Night Elves are regrouping at Nordrasssil. Given how many of their structures are grown not built the land purged of Ragnaros’ flame should be ripe for regrowth of a truly nature based city. Though the implication that Night Elves are going to Mount Hyjal does seem to imply Ashenvale was never truly recovered, else they would have been able to rebuild in Astrannar.

Then the human refugee problem is likely diminished from Trollbane having an Arathi/Stromgarde region to rebuild/repopulate, and I don’t think he would turn down helping the Alliance when they paid the bill for him getting Stromgarde back in the first place. Lorderan living likewise would probably find it not too different from their original homeland.

As for Stormwind itself, they seriously need to get those lazy human peons in Westfall to get to work homesteading/farming. That zone is overflowing with unused farming space yet those lazy peons chose to be vagabonds and dirt farmers. Yes it sucks the Mason’s Guild got ripped off, but making yourself suffer as part of a plan to spite Stormwind is stupid.


Is there anything you like you sassy minx?

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  1. Refugees and homeless get mad at anduin for lack of progress
  2. revolt
  3. anduin now becomes focal point of hostility
  4. all the people who hate Anduin feel vindicated (fan service is achieved)
  5. “the hard truths of life” or something
  6. ???
  7. Galywix becomes high king, people are in their comfort zone with this
  8. WoW is a microchasm
  9. people will never change