On Saturday, at 4:30 pm, a group of leaders came together to reform the old War Council, to protect the people.
Dragrosh looked among those who had showed up… Flarefang, Shamzakel, Ashnod, Keyaestian, it was a slow but much needed start, he began to speak. "I want to change the direction of what the War Council was, it use to be a group used to push war. Think of the warfronts, or when we chased Lohkawas the Traitor… However what we need in these darker times is more of a protectorate for the people of the horde. Regardless of weather or not the Warchief deems them worthy of the hordes mercy. I say this because of the dwindling population…
“It is, unfortunately.” Ash replied.
Drag continued “There’s very few orcs left in Orgimmar, and if Sylvanas does what we think she’ll do then the Tauren are about to go extinct… While this would be good if I wanted to drain the souls of everything on the planet but unfortunately we kind of need these people to survive.”
Flarefang came in “If all the Taurens die, doesn’t that leave us with less men to fight the alliance filth.”
Dragrosh silently agreed with Flare as Shamzakel began to speak “The hardest hurdle I see is us getting through is our legitimacy, convincing the rest of the horde factions and clans to join us as one.”
“Hmm, what would you suggest to get around that problem.” Dragrosh replied
“The slow approach, start with one faction or clan at a time. Get them intrigued, let them come to these meetings to they see that we aren’t dreamers, and that we are about action.” Sham said, looking back at Drag.
“Time is not on our side… But It’ll do, we’ll have to spread our publicity then, getting face to face and getting papers out. The horde must know that there is a new, reformed War Council and we will do it right this time.”
As the following text implies, we seek to bring back the War Council! Rp and pvp, with some neutral events here and there with us being peacekeepers. Our current intentions for the roleplay is to be as a protectorate for the people of the horde, while still trying to finish the war, a healthy balance between both. Our current agendas and goals is to build up the community, and attempt to reintroduce walk up rp in the mean time! If you’re interested here is our discord, Lok’tar Ogar brothers and sisters! h ttps://discord.gg/FqEHGcK