Reforge items again

Hello gamers!

Back in Cata we had the ability to reforge stats on our gear, this was an amazing feature that allowed you to wear things with the wrong stats because you were able to reforge it to stats you wanted, until you got something to change it with.

If I do 10 +17s, I get 5 rings with wrong stats, I’m not going to equip that. Why not actually let me reforge a part of the wrong stats into what I want so I actually can equip it. This bring WAY more variety in the gear, making every single gear piece valuable for most players.


No. Not every piece should be valuable to all players. We also already have reforging on crack in the form of crafted gear combined with enchants and gems. We need less perfect stats, not more. It’s really uninteresting to end up with the exact same stat distribution every single season because crafting (combined with raid and especially M+) provides so much control over secondaries.

People also massively overrate the difference between “bad” stats and “good” stats. The performance difference between worst possible and best possible stats is like 10% or something for most specs, and you’ll never actually encounter the worst case scenario.

Crafted gear should have fixed stats and change each season, instead of allowing full customization. We shouldn’t be able to guarantee practically perfect stats in every slot every season, and reforging would just make it even more perfect.


I understand what you mean.
If crafted gear has fixed stats, some specs wouldn’t even craft it. I would never equip a crit ring as being fire mage, since it’s an aweful stat.

Right now, every single class goes for the exact same pieces. There’s BiS list that people follows and after a few weeks or so, everyone will be running the exact same gear.

This is why reforge would be good. Then not everyone will have to chase the exact same pieces.

No, every mage would still chase the exact same pieces, there’d just be an additional calculation in your sims to redistribute stats via reforging.

Well, yes. You ofcourse still chase the BiS items. But you have more options until you get it.

I love reforging because you can utilize more gear drops but I love having a Transmog NPC on the Yak even more :grinning:

I would like reforging back though

Reforging doesn’t give perfect stats though, it just means a poopy stat gear is a little less poopy.

Yes it does. It lets you take your current BiS gearset and fine tune it even closer to perfection. “Bad” items will still be “bad”, you’ll still want the good ones. It just pushes those good items even higher and that’s not interesting. What’s interesting about gearing (at least in theory) is figuring out which pieces of the current season’s loot pool fit together to create the best overall setup. When that puzzle’s solution is just always “equip the ideal stat distribution because you can guarantee it via crafting + big M+ loot pool + gems + enchants (+ reforging)”, every single seaason, that’s boring.

I mean, majority of the people raiding Mythic is going to look at BiS sheets anyways. So there is no “Puzzle solution” except the sims you do until you get what you want.

Right, and all reforging does is make those sims take longer/reduce the number of combinations you get to select on raidbots. The item is still not good.

But atleast we get to replace items.

Theres no worse feeling then getting 5 items that you absolutely don’t need because its dog stats

There is. The feeling that all items are interchangeable because there’s barely any difference. Whether that’s because all your stats are equally good or because you can “fix” bad items, it’s just kinda lame. Items feel more unique when they’re actually noticeably different. And ilevel outweighs “dog stats” most of the time anyway, with the exception of neck/rings.


I have to agree here.

While Reforging was kind of fun, it inevitably lead to you always rolling on gear because “Oh, I can just change that crit to haste” leading to an overall “Hunter loot” syndrome across the game. Where you’d roll to get something that may be another classes BIS, but is your “meh” and win.

It also lead to you always going to the reforge station every time you received something that had “marginal” stats, as you tried to “fix” the gear. Oop new patch came out, or a hotfix to your class… Best go reforge all your gear to the new “meta” that formed overnight. People would inspect your gear and go “Why did you reforge to that…”

It was removed for the health of the game.