But that’s why I’m questioning the nerf. It’s a one step forward two step back scenario they’ve created.
Currently our Healing and DPS is lacking, it’s seriously not a secret, especially with our way of handling Strong burst and heavy AoE rot damage.
So they they then give us the tools on PTR to help, but then, and I think very counter intuitive make longer to get into Reforestation.
Currently it’s 3 Swiftmend, so a total of 3 charges, 15 sec a charge = 45 seconds.
Now on PTR if you play perfectly and min max and stars align each usage, this means casting Swiftmend at the hp threshold to get the 40% reduction to 9 seconds yeah it works out better but realistically how often will this happen.
Especially when prepping for ramp and incoming damage it becomes a flat nerf in most scenarios of using Swiftmend. Resto Druid isn’t a reactive Healer, we are proactive.
We want to Swiftmend, proc Soul of the Forest, and get our HoTs out before the huge bursts comes for our mastery, not after and pray it’s enough. We want to Proc Reforestation easier during that moment!.
Now if Swiftmend had 3 charges in compensation I could agree, but we are still solely locked to two charges, if talented. It doesn’t make sense at all not from a statistical point of view.
Like overall for 95% of the player base it’s going to be a nerf.
The more Reforestation procs, more healing, more dps with instant cast Wrath’s and works with changed Call of the Elder Druid, everything we seem to be lacking currently.