Reforestation Talent Nerf 11.0.5

Honestly… with how we are performing, ouch.

  • Reforestation Every 34 casts of Swiftmend grants you Incarnation: Tree of Life for 10 sec.

Odd and I think bad decision.

If anything I was glad we had more uptime in Tree of Life on PTR, but I guess good things can’t last forever.

Maybe they have wrong Data or something, like maybe they see Resto Druid over performing? Crazily they think our counter to Burst and AoE is too high?.

They’ve already nerfed Tree of Life, was this change honestly the best thing to do.

Praying more to come cause if not, jeez the light at the end of tunnel is getting really dim.


They better be making a lot more changes. Otherwise I’m uninstalling the game. I only want to play a resto druid and so far it’s off to a terrible start.


Honestly, the future for Resto Druid seems bleaker as time goes by that’s for sure.

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lol imagine Nerfing the Worst healer in the game


I’m hoping there’s more changes coming, and this was the first thing datamined early.

I honestly saw this and thought “they must be crazy”.

Guess 6 feet under wasn’t deep enough

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They nerfed another talent that I don’t use lol. Reforestation is too random, and Swiftmend is too important to bank for any significant amount of time in order to offset that randomness. It’s always been a lose-lose talent that is cool every once in a while when the RNG stars align.

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Oh, god. I just feel my wowpression getting worse.

So, you can get Swiftmend down to a 9s CD based on using it on injured targets… that is likely the reason for that nerf.

But that’s why I’m questioning the nerf. It’s a one step forward two step back scenario they’ve created.

Currently our Healing and DPS is lacking, it’s seriously not a secret, especially with our way of handling Strong burst and heavy AoE rot damage.

So they they then give us the tools on PTR to help, but then, and I think very counter intuitive make longer to get into Reforestation.

Currently it’s 3 Swiftmend, so a total of 3 charges, 15 sec a charge = 45 seconds.

Now on PTR if you play perfectly and min max and stars align each usage, this means casting Swiftmend at the hp threshold to get the 40% reduction to 9 seconds yeah it works out better but realistically how often will this happen.

Especially when prepping for ramp and incoming damage it becomes a flat nerf in most scenarios of using Swiftmend. Resto Druid isn’t a reactive Healer, we are proactive.

We want to Swiftmend, proc Soul of the Forest, and get our HoTs out before the huge bursts comes for our mastery, not after and pray it’s enough. We want to Proc Reforestation easier during that moment!.

Now if Swiftmend had 3 charges in compensation I could agree, but we are still solely locked to two charges, if talented. It doesn’t make sense at all not from a statistical point of view.

Like overall for 95% of the player base it’s going to be a nerf.

The more Reforestation procs, more healing, more dps with instant cast Wrath’s and works with changed Call of the Elder Druid, everything we seem to be lacking currently.

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Why are you neglecting to mention the 6% buff to every other spell resto Druids use, or the change to the talent that reduces the cast time on regrowth, etc?

You’re leading people to believe a sorrowful Druid just got nerfed when you know damn well they got blanket buffs lol.

I love reforestation too. But this isn’t the worst change all considered

Umm I think you have this confused, the 8% buff, not 6% is what just happened. That the live Hotfix we just passed.

The 6% buff was on Balance Druid, which just hit live.

As the WoWhead post says it’s combining the live and PTR changes… 11.0.5 PTR - Merging Live Hotfixes

“With today’s Patch 11.0.5 PTR update are several class and spell changes, most of which merge the recent tuning hotfixes already present on live servers.”

The buff is from live servers they putting into the PTR, it’s not an additional ontop buff.

Everyone else that replied look like they read the article :joy:.

i play balance, so i mixed up the 8 and 6, but i’m unsure how that defeats the point of my post lol.

my point is you were doing 8% less healing last week, and had 3 swiftmend reforestation. now you do 8% more, and you’ll have 4 swiftmend reforestation.

I just think that doesn’t result in a “nerf.” I mean i’m not a math whiz, and i do like the on-demand tree form, but i am willing to bet you the culmination of those changes do not result in a nerf. which is what your post is implying. or at the very least, as you can see, some of your readers are inferring. because they’ve flatly said, “Nerfing the lowest hps class” lol.

so do you have anything to say about my actual point, or are you just here to quibble over semantics? Lol.

I explained it above of your first post.

I looked at WCL from the past 24 hours so i could capture the buff. We are still dead last.

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I dont mind the reforestation nerfs if we’re getting more baseline bumps to the kit in the future, carrying over the 8% from live that took us from embarrassingly last to just disapointingly last is not a good enough reason to nerf anything yet.
Especially with all the new talents being focused towards fixing our problems in keys when we’re still struggling in raids.

We’re a thorough-put healer, we dont bring fancy defensives, Mass cleanses, or raid cheesing abilties, if we’re not near top for raw healing we just provide mark if no other druids in the raid.

That’s what I’m hoping, more is to come and that this was just a nerf and compensation of future buffs/changes that haven’t been pushed onto the PTR yet.

Apparently early PTR is generally a build behind what Blizzard is using, or so they say.

Don’t get me wrong the 8% we recently got is desperately needed, was it enough? Not even close. But regardless from face value as it is now Reforestation taking a nerf is not the change we need.

Even the changes on PTR until our 2 point nodes become 1 point its going to be a sacrifice to even reach certain new talents, like Forest’s Flow.

What we need is a rework of our major cooldowns. They need to offer more utility and need to be more accessible. The previous changes to flourish (reduced functionality and position as a choice node) render it useless. Tranquility is not viable for M+. We essentially get tree regrowth spam to pick up burst damage. Thats it. Absurd.

This will require a rework of the resto talent tree. At the present moment, r druid is the least creative healer and falls far behind the others in throughput and utility. These small hps bumps are insufficient to solve the issues we are having.

Blizzard need to be a whole lot more creative with this spec.

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I don’t think that our cooldown situation is as dire as some make it out to be.

Convoke is amazing for M+. The short 1 minute cooldown means that it will be up often. It casts multiple spells per person so you will benefit from mastery, and it will leave your targets pre-ramped. You can cast it while moving, and it casts the spells automatically, making it the perfect cooldown to use even during the middle of dancing around mechanics.

Innervate, when cast during a clearcast proc, will cause that clearcast proc to NOT be consumed. This means that the 30% Regrowth buff from Flash of Clarity will apply to ALL Regrowths cast during that innervate, turning it into a potent throughput cooldown. With enough haste, a casted Regrowth really isn’t much slower than a GCD.

Grove guardians can be cast in rapid succession for an overall healing boost up to 15%, in conjunction with the Grove Guardians themselves doing decent healing during this time.

Tranquility can be annoying mainly due to it’s movement restrictions and low burst, but still a potent ramp-topper if used at the right time. The HoT from Tranquility can also be extended on one target using Verdant Infusion, potentially even extended twice.

On the other-hand, Tree of Life has a cooldown timer that is too long, even with any reductions you get from Grove guardians. If all you are going to do is spam Regrowth then just use Innervate instead. While having Regrowths be instant-cast can be nice during movement phases, existing as a huge Tree of Life that can make it difficult to see the floor during a mechanic-heavy movement phase is not nice.

With Convoke as my bread-and-butter cooldown, and Innervate, Grove-Guardians, and Tranquility in my pocket, things really don’t feel that bad IMO.

The lack of utility in our cooldowns is more what i am speaking to. Brute force healing (which is currently still insufficient and will continue to be post-% buff) is not competitive.