"Reevaluating Purchases: Recycled Exclusives"

I’ve observed that some items, like the 6-month subscription mounts and other goodies that required payments or friend invites, RAF, SOR, are frequently recycled on the monthly trader’s list. It’s becoming apparent that many of these once exclusive items are now readily available for free. I’m not necessarily upset about it; rather, I’m realizing that spending money on these things might not be worth it anymore since they’re easily obtainable elsewhere.

It strikes me as an odd business model to create something special that people purchase as a treat for themselves, only to later distribute it freely. It almost seems like those who bought into it initially made a misguided choice and might now regret spending their money, or might just get rid of those 6- or 12-month subscriptions.

You’re just realizing this now more than a year after the Trading Post was first introduced?

“Why are Blizzard giving once obtainable but then no longer obtainable items years later? Don’t they know the people would hate to have the opportunity to earn collectibles they missed out on?”

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I don’t understand. Weren’t some of those items unavailable for a decade? They weren’t obtainable at all during that time.

Pretty sure all of the “returning” mounts and pets they’ve offered are…

  1. At minimum 5 years old (though most of them are closer to 10 years old)
  2. Were “retired” from the in-game shop, or tied to promotions that are no longer available
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