Reduced dragon riding speed in old world content

It feels fine at it’s current speed. I am enjoying the dynamic flight in old zones.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Yes. It has. Dragonriding is unlocked with DF content. At level 60.

Did you honestly think a level 1 was going to be able to dragonride??

Every single form of travel is unlocked at certain levels. Ground travel is unlocked at 10. Faster ground travel is unlocked at 20. Flight is unlocked at 30. Faster flight is unlocked at 40. Dragonriding is unlocked at 60.

You can’t fly on a level 10 character. You can’t dragonride on a level 20 character. Let’s use some logic here.

My question is… why shouldn’t they have an advantage in that regard? Why do all the races have to do exactly the same thing, it’s terrible game design and terrible dev logic.

Allow races to do interesting and unique things, stop punishing races for having a niche.

Technically, ground travel is unlocked upon character creation and faster ground travel is unlocked at level 10. Unless you’re saying that we can’t move our characters before level 10. :crazy_face:

It really wasn’t perfect in TBC. It was unrealistic sky swimming

Its an acceptable compromise at the moment given the old zones weren’t built for it and at the moment you can rocket across all of Northrend in a mere fraction of what it used to take

exactly, like it was the new race/class of the expansion… give them something cool?

like honestly.

you want this game to be completely realistic and remove the magic/warlocks/mages/big bad raid bosses, etc.

its fine to have some things that are fantasy in a fantasy MMO.

before dragon riding came out, i have never heard anyone complain that flying was “unrealistic”… it is a very odd thing to complain about in a “fantasy MMO”.

i started playing in TBC, so i’ve literally been playing this game for like 16 years and flying always felt perfectly fine to me.

No, it hasn’t. When DF came out it was. They stated over and over, “Dragon riding is coming to the old world”. They NEVER stated, “only if you are level 60”. If you feel they did state that, post a link to the quote.

Didn’t Blizz say the reason why they didn’t like flying was because you didn’t see the game and didn’t really explore it, but then they released a faster form of flying that makes you focus on not seeing the views at all

yeah exactly… they removed flying because it allowed us to go through the zones so quickly without engaging with anything…

now they gave us faster flying so we cant even see anything we fly past.

Out of curiosity, I timed cross-continent flights for the various regions with Dragonriding, going the longest straight line I could eyeball from end to end on each map

Kalimdor, EK, Northrend, and the Dragon Isles all averaged around 4 to 4 1/2 minutes

Kul Tiras around 3 1/2, Zandalar about 3

Draenor ironically was the longest, at over 5 minutes

I got bored before I got around to Outland or the Broken Isles. Overall, I’d say they did a pretty good job of making the distance “feel” similar


They don’t have to. Good lord, please tell me people aren’t actually this obtuse. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Do I seriously have to repeat myself??

For me the issue isn’t the speed so much as it’s yet another arbitrary decision made by the developers that “feels bad man”, but is really hard to justify beyond it’s what the devs think is best.
Most of the old world is already beyond trivial and anyone who wants to slow down and take it all in has the option to do so.
Furthermore, the difference is slight enough that you hardly feel it, but you know in the back of your head you could be going faster; so why not just remove the restriction and that nagging thought in the back of players heads.

They did. I think they may have finally figured out that flying isn’t what caused people to skip content, they just didn’t want to do said content and really didn’t like getting to the things they did want to do as slowly as possible.

If you put the landmasses of every expansion that isn’t Dragonflight into a single Pangea supercontinent, yeah, it would be quite a lot larger than the Dragon Isles.

But the landmasses of every expansion that isn’t Dragonflight are not a single Pangea supercontinent, so any comparisons should and do have no bearing in the decision.

hummingbirds and helicopters would like a word. the game isnt realistic to begin with anyway.

It all boils down to, people need to step away from their devices and go spend some time out in the open and enjoy nature even if it’s the local park. Getting all caught up about milliseconds of flight time is stupid. If you want real immersion go outside.

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This is quite possibly the worst attitude a developer could have unless they plan on only having themselves as customers. Ion himself has admitted that a big reason WoW was designed the way it was through out it’s massive decline was because of this kind of attitude and it’s something they look to change going forward.

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Because if you went that fast through eastern kingdoms it would cause a sonic boom and destroy everything we have tried to save for the past 19 years


Well good news for you, I’m not a developer


Still pretty damn fast. I timed it from the bottom of Uldum to the top of Winterspring and it was 5 minutes 30 seconds.

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If more people did this the game could shut down!