Reduce 2/2 points on holy spec tree

It’s insane that if you want to go Lightweaver and Restitution which isn’t even a meta talent spec for holy you get just 1point left to put in one of the 2/2 wall it has as 2nd to last row of talents…

Give holy priests a bit of space to play and try new stuff… I’m tired of having to play the same talents over and over in the same pattern because the tree doesn’t let you try anything different.

If you move just a bit from the way you either lose TONS of healing, or TONS of dmg or even core design gameplay.


I think you mean reduce 2/2 talents for every priest spec (thankfully they did reduce a small number, but not enough if you ask me)


Yeah there are a few pain points on the spec tree that really bother me (don’t get me started on the niche/useless utility on the class tree which is a mess).

I wish they would make it easier to take Censure - one easy way would be to swap PoH and CoH and leave PoH to dedicated AoE builds if it ever gets buffed.

In the middle of the tree really bland talents like Cosmic Ripple and Everlasting Light seem way too central for what they offer. Most other specs have the best talents in the key pathing chokepoints, whereas that’s not really very true for holy.

And the bottom is horrendous with only 3 capstones (and ALL of them forced binary choices) guarded entirely by important, yet situational, 2 pointers. Whoever thought of that pathing design is some kind of sadist.


My thoughts exactly. it’s so bad that it has gated power that has always existed within the spec, breaking the kit into multiple sections, and leaving the entirety of the spec feeling lackluster when it always felt good before.

Between the center column having near useless bloat that prevents you from having any spread pathing into core kit pieces, to the 2nd to bottom row being gated behind all 2 point nodes preventing you from having basic functionality that was always just core to the spec, it is a disaster and no matter how much time I sit around fumbling points around, There is just nothing you can do to address the power loss on your end. The devs need to fix this.