Redeemed undead Allied Race hints?

Anyone else see that light undead model?

Could be the beginnings of a future redeemed AR for forsaken.

Could be the mirror to mechagnomes while the alliance gets something that uses the worgen rig to to mirror the vulpera

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Well, they have to explain undead paladins somehow once they finish working on paladin mounts for every race.

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What light undead model? Honest question.

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Check out the new mmo champ… they’re there somewhere


Is this the model you’re referring to?

I honestly can’t tell what the context of this model is. It’s hard for me to guess whether it could even be a customization option or something that is NPC or mob specific.

Regardless, as a customization option, it’d be fine. However, I don’t particular want to see Redeemed/Lightforged/etc Undead as a full race for various reasons. Just my own personal preference and opinion, of course.

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yup there it is!

That reminds me of the T-600 in Terminator: Salvation

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I agree…not a fan. i’m sure they will work it into wow somehow…but i like my gangley buddies, no need to change everything, Y’know? :confused:

That looks like a mob to me, not a playable race, especially with the legs and face. Still, I do hope we get undead paladins soon and I wouldn’t say no to some sort of Alliance undead.

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I wonder if it is a underground undead mob we will fight…

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Thinking on it, if this is a mob, could it just be an undead Arathi that is infused with something like azerite as opposed to the light? It’s something that could be fitting with the whole area and theme.

This is of course a guess, as I’m still not entirely sure what to make of it. It does look more like a mob than anything that would be playable in some fashion to me.

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

I’m guessing it’s connected to the Arathi somehow.