RedDragon Impact, XL MMO mouse

So, idk who out there could benefit from this, hopefully maybe someone, bit I just grabbed a Red Dragon Impact M908 wired MMO mouse and it’s easily the largest gaming mouse I’ve even put my hand on, for the first time I can remember since starting PC gaming, I can actually fit almost all of my hand on my mouse instead of dragging one or two fingers across the mouse pad off the side. If you have big hands and a model like the Corsair Scimitar mmo mouse still felt small, this mouse delivers. I still have to see how well it holds up in raids etc, but as far as the feel of it in my hand, this thing changes everything.

nice try, fed. ur not getting my fingerprints


I have one as a back up, not sure how I feel about the thumb rest though.

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I just use a laptop trackpad like a real gamer.

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True Hard mode enabled

Hard mode? I play ret, could do it with a dance dance mat.

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