It’s coming for us all!
Or they can see that we are about to expose some ulterior motive of theirs. Perhaps the Primal Incarnates are not as evil as we are led to believe. Is the power granted to the Aspects by the Titans a means of control?
Ever notice that the sword looks like a cousin of the Sword of Omens.
I’m calling it now…
Feline Humanoids Race: Confirmed.
We see now what they did to dragon-humanoids. Careful what you wish for asking for feline humanoids…
It’s true, though. What have orcs ever invented beyond sharp pointy things? Which, by the way, also includes their buildings. Why must everything be so spiky?
Garrosh certainly didn’t do anything but yell a lot and hit things. All those iron stars and rockets and such his army used? Goblins invented and produced those. Blackfuse and his company may have been absolute morons for not seeing that Garrosh was bad for business what with his constant driving away valuable customers and all, but they made some absolutely brilliant things.
As for time travel, that’s specifically a Bronze Dragon thing (and technically mages can do it too but the ones that delve into that don’t last long as the bronze dragons have time travel patented or something) bit the specific time and space and timeline travel Garrosh used was specifically devised by one particular bronze dragon whose name eludes me. And that method of time travel died with him.
No, if the star is indeed Lavos approaching, we very well cannot rely on the orcs to do it. It’s up to either the goblins or the gnomes. If the goblins invent something there’s like a 60% chance it works, 20% chance Lavos explodes, and 20% chance Azeroth explodes. If the gnomes do it, there’s a 60% chance it works, 20% chance we go forward in time just in time for Lavos to kill us all, and 20% chance Azeroth gets transported into the warp where the Chaos Gods will feast on our souls and we are tormented for all eternity.
I know which one I’m banking on! The fireworks if either Lavos or Azeroth explodes would be spectacular!
What about Empire Earth 1? Or… Age of Empires :o
That’s a dracthyr charging up fire breath.
I’ll be honest… if they used the saberon from WoD I wouldn’t be mad.
That’s what I’m getting at tho… they had established dragonkin models already but they had to “make something new” for dracthyr.
So would they use the Saberon models or would they reinvent the wheel and make it unappealing for players again?