Red skin for Draenei, please!

I’ve been wanting to play a Man’ari since TBC, so yes please. Man’ari skin tones for the Draenei. Just rename the race to Eredar on the character creation and let people chose whether they’re Draenei or Man’ari.


Nah it should be a special skin like dark ranger not something anyone can have make people work for it.

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A few years ago (okay, maybe more than a few), I made a thread saying we need playable Eredar.

My logic was this: we have blue Draenei and yellow Draenei. We only needed the red Draenei for a complete set.

A complete set of… what? Of primary colors.

But nobody was able to figure out what I was talking about, and I got a lot of hostile reactions.

…and then my thread got moved to the Story forum for some reason!? Go figure. :woman_shrugging:t3:

But yes, 100% support for playable Eredar. We need the full set of primary colored Draenei, dangit!


if only we could hide pants in transmog this set would be complete…

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Add to and expanded it?

Yeah, I remember. That’s why we have Draenei and Broken now.

I’m still waiting for Blizz to do that with Draenei Warlocks, but I’m not holding my breath they ever will.

Eredar that use Fel magic and work with demons are Man’ari and thus are enemy unit. Period. Full stop.

This is gaslighting based on some weird headcanon y’all have made. Stop it.

I’ve explained above (and many times in the past) why you are wrong.

You’ve seen Man’ari Warlocks. That’s it. Know why? Because that’s the only way an Eredar (the name for the entire races we ALL come from) can be a Warlock. And when that happens, you become Man’ari and are part of the Legion.

Draenei Warlocks (and by default, Light-forged) are basically people saying “I want it because I want it” and Blizzard just going “F it, whatever, just keep playing the game”, as is the same with all of these weird new class/race combos that previously had no basis in reality.

Blizzard got so lazy with this, they stuck a gas mask on the Panda Warlock trainee so he can’t even give you a logical reason. They couldn’t even be bothered to explain it with Pandas.

tbc ruined lore by readding draenei who were exterminated in wc2. they should have stayed defeated. them spacefloozies nothing but trouble.

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There’s a sorta shirt or shorts to the look. :thinking:

'edit: I meant skirt. :pensive:


In general, anything that gives more customization should be added!


no, those are the bad waggles.

We don’t associate with their kind

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When they add stuff that takes a :poop: on the lore, not so much

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Touche. I do agree they should only add what is possible lore-wise.

unfortunately, sounds like devs are going to lean in hard on the “every class for every race” and throw any element of lore/story to the wind

:expressionless: :confused:

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It’s extremely unfortunate. I’m alright with the red option, because technically it could still happen. Same with orcs, same with elves. Is it likely? Eh. But yeah, their current race/class combinations are a sign something is uh no bueno.

draenei warlocks are a pretty big :roll_eyes: for me
"hey, you remember that fel stuff that we emphatically swore off thousands of years ago? That effectively turned a large swath of our society into monsters (both morally and physically) and they have been chasing after us ever since trying to exterminate us?
“yeah why?”
"let’s start messing with it because!
"because why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
“…because is a good enough reason!”

I completely agree. I mean, the elves literally banned void/shadow due to the risk it caused the Sunwell. It believe a race older than elves would dabble in the thing which destroyed countless worlds they lived on and only what, five or six years ago threatened this world? It makes little sense. I understand they’re trying to make things more welcoming and open; like I get in from a game mechanic standpoint, but it really feels like everything at this point is just a money grab and no actual effort is being put forward.

I shouldnt be all that surprised. I mean, look at how they ruined Uther in shadowlands (how they portrayed him in the bastion teaser trailer still has me :angry:) . How Arthas’s story arc ended, etc…

It’s likely a contributing factor for my interest in wow waning. The constant disregard for lore/story is starting to feel like a little kid as at the helm, in that there are established rules and then they come up with something ridiculous to circumvent them (like when you’re playing tag and you get them and they go “nuh uh, because… um… i have a special forcefield that prevents me from being tagged”

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if this ever gets implemented its gonna have to wait another 2.5yrs cause they’re too busy making eyebrows and mustaches for new barbershop options. fr tho. its idiotic their priorities

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So why can’t they add and expand to it with Warlocks and customization that will bring? You have no problem with Death Knights…

I’m for it. I want loads of customization for different class/race combos to ENHANCE the lore of playing that class as that race. Like pandarian elementals for Pandaren shaman, fiery spells for Tauren paladins, etc.

What gets me is they don’t even need to add class quests for all these (though those are fun). They have the glyph system right there and don’t do anything with it.