Red skin for Draenei, please!

We have close to that as well o_O

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LMFAO, I think you need to lighten up. There are far worse things in this world than having to RP to imagine that in a fantasy world, things happen differently than in real life.


then i demand charcoal black draenei.


Sounds good. We have a deep indigo, but no charcoal.


this version comes with a debuff that alives you to be eaten alive by hungry blood elves. i want calamari now!

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i think it would be cool to have the Legion’s costumization as a option.

Dreanie that practice the dark art and Eredar’s that are trying to redeem them self after the Legion’s fall.

we would be put through a quest line where the Dreanie practice forgiveness sense they follow the teachings of the light.

and through that giving them a chance of redemtion by putting them through a harsh trial or something along those line.


The demons in the burning legion are kind of… leaderless, are they not? It makes perfect sense for Prophet Velen to let them into the fold. He tried to do that with his son.


The Man’ari Eredar could be replaced with Dreadlords, taking the Eredar from the Burning Legion won’t affect their image.

The Fel Orcs seemed forgotten by the Illidari in Legion but have already joined the Horde.


If they’re going to the moronic route of dranei warlock may as well give them an eredar skin at this point like the dark ranger for elves.


Being able to play as an Eredar would definitely get me to roll a Draenei warlock. I think warlocks of all races should be given at least a couple extra fel-oriented customization options—especially since “corrupting your body with fel energies” seems like such a big thing with warlock lore.


wish you could be those dranei from warcraft 3…i think they’re called the broken ones or something. Whatever Akama is…

for the allies ofc :nerd_face:

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I agree, I think that Warlocks should have a Fel green customization options.

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Archimonde’s attire that drops could still be tempting to create a draenei warlock too? :thinking:


Thank you thank you thank you. Couldn’t agree more.


They should totally do this especially when they add Draenei Demon Hunters.

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We don’t have Draenei Demon Hunters…

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The Man’ari Eredar are using the concept-- at least the animations of the demon hunter’s transformations.

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Dranei would quickly become the most popular warlock race I think if it were added no doubt.


The only thing I would ask for as far as draenei go. Would be that option of hair styles and horns be separate options

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Just roll a female :stuck_out_tongue:

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