Wowhead comments mentions needing to obtain keys to open crypts for a chance to spawn the vendor. Who do the keys drop from and where are the crypts?
drop from the mobs in the halls of attonement area in revendreth. the crypts are in the cemetery of that area.
So while you’re farming sinstone fragments and Avowed reputation, etc, you’ll also loot an occasional key for the crypts.
Make sure you do the questline to unlock the ability to get the keys.
Ty. Are the keys locked behind any attunement to drop? I’ve completed the venthry campaign at least
Yes, there’s a questline that’s needed as an unlock to start acquiring them. One sec, I’ll see if I can find it.
nope, just farm mobs, but may as well pick up the reputation quests there if you havent.
the quests for the rep there isn’t required for the keys, however it is required for sinstone fragment and rep farming. As I specifically farmed keys for the red noggin candle back on day 1 or 2 of Shadowlands before i even bothered with the optional quests in that zone beyond the leveling quests.
But since you’re there anyways, yeah, it’s probably better to just grab the quest anyways, kill two birds with one stone since you’re farming the same mobs, etc anyways and can start grinding rep for the avowed and buy crap with the sinstone fragments.
Here you go:
Complete that and you’ll get the atonement crypt key quest to unlock the ability to loot keys.
is the drop rate for keys very low? I finished the questline and after killing many mobs, got no keys
I wouldn’t say very low…but low. I found that prob 1 outta 50 kills drop a key give or take…thats what my luck has been…maybe other ppl have had better or worse