Which is more fun to play endgame? I love my hunter in WoW is Bard very similar? How about red mage I like the idea of a battlemage.
Maybe ask on the forums of that game instead of this one?
I’ve heard bard is really fun
NO do not , is bad , u gotta do dance is sofun did u try , if u nome , HAHAHA i eat u , dance in my moth LOLHAHAHAHAHA
Bard is a dot class. Puts 2 dots on target, turn on one of three songs and dots proc that song effects. Kinda annoying.
Red mage is fun, build mana with range casts, spend it on melee combo, backflip afterwards. Can ressurect
A bard in FFXIV not entirely the same as a hunter in WoW. A bard has more of a support role in FFXIV, and as the name implies, they deal in music - you will find that the playstyle is vastly different as your rotation will be different depending on the musical notes.
As a bard you also get access to instruments in the game that you can play even when not in combat - including what seems to be an electric guitar.
The red mage is not as much as a melee magic dps. They will have abilities that are quick ‘jump in, stab target, jump out again’ this is true, but it is mostly magic based. You will, however, be one of the pure dps that has access to resses.
So bard is a support class? That’s interesting, I don’t like that guys voice btw but thanks for the reply
Idk I only played paladin so far.
Reaper looks cool, but not out yet.
Bard can play music I guess, and red mage can like melee, cast and heal. Jack of all trades.
Samurai is more fun to play
also ask on ff14 forums they probably know more
Just don’t play Dragoon, everyone and their mom play Dragoon these days.
To be fair, they usually do have the coolest looking armour.
Dragoon doesn’t appeal to me. I might want to try tanking tho since I hear the community is much friendlier towards new tanks over there. What’s a good starter tank?
Don’t look at me. I’m a thaumaturge that worked on the story campaign, got bored, and went back to GW2.
Literal cynicism doesn’t really coincide with naivety. I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that he was simply trying to rile people. lol
GW2 is weird to me. If I play another mmo it’s going to be FF14, the other ones have no appeal at all and i’m not even sure why. I’d prefer to stick with Wow though…
I’m excited for Lost Ark
Soulmaster class looks awesome
Battlemaster class is unfortunately looking like just a windwalker monk
You seem to be mistaken where you are, have yourself checked for a stroke as promptly as possible. Time is a factor in making sure your other senses don’t fail you.
Bards are the middle ground of the physical range DPS, offering moderate support and damage, while Red Mages are the support of magical DPS. The way classes get balanced in FFXIV is typically you have a more ‘selfish’ DPS which does high damage but offers no raid support, more middle ground DPS, and then classes with lower personal DPS but has buffs for the raids or debuffs for bosses.
Bard focuses on keeping up a pair of dots and playing songs, which provide some small buff for the party but enable an effect for the bard as well, having a 40% chance to proc when their dots tick. This can be a flat buff for their attack speed that builds over time, charging a hard hitting ability, or procing an ability that is usually on a 15 sec cooldown, allowing you to spam it pretty much. Bards also have a raid wide Direct Crit buff (these are mini crits, but can also proc with a crit for what’s called a Direct Crit) and can help healers with a 20% buff to healing done.
Red Mages have a dual casting system, making every other cast instant. So you use your shorter cast abilities to then cast the longer ones instantly, that can proc other shorter cast abilities that let you build your white and black mana faster. You build these manas up equally (going too hard into one mana causes trying to build the other to slow down significantly, making for a fun balancing act) till you hit a certain point, then spend your mana in melee attacks. It provides raids with a damage buff that fades over time, but also the best battle rez, making them really good for progging and learning fights.
WoW, GW2, and ESO are all enjoyable to me for different reasons. Wildstar was until it shutdown.
FF14 is alright. My main issues with it are that I don’t particularly like the combat or the aesthetic. Seems relatively well made though.
Do you want to buff people? Bard would be cool till you get Dancer. It doesn’t really do high damage. Red Mage is kinda goofy hybrid dps. One of two dps that can battle res. The other job that can battle res is Summoner, which is what I play.
I’d look at a quick class overview guide on youtube and see what resonates with you and when you can pick it up. I thought I was going to be a Dark Knight cause giant sword. Then I looked it up and found out it was a tank only job
Oh yeah, the combat can be bothersome, totally agree on that. THe aesthetics grew on me, and they really aren’t too different from GW2. It is a little like GW2, but improved.
FFXIV has a combo system in their class, and thus it is intentional that you should ‘weave’ your abilities to best play your classes. Not a big fan of it, I prefer WoW’s more smoother style.
But luckily, FFXIV is better than other MMORPGs in every other way.