Red Draenei unlocked, Now to make one

Was certainly considering Warlock but during the quest. Arza’kal I think his name was seemed more like a Mage with Green fire. Which I’ll probably make another topic wondering if Mages should have access to the option of fel tainting their fire.


Mage with Green fire

Isn’t that just a destro lock?

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Plate has some good fel mogs for red draenei as well. As well as some rogue sets.


Here’s my mage!


Yes, but the guy we were questing with used mage spells rather then Warlock ones. It’s a small, tiny, practically pointless detail but a detail.

And thank you Briselody.

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Nope I wouldn’t want to be red.

I rolled a Draenei Pally to see the new customizations.

I left her in the Draenei starting area though.
I won’t have time to play her for a bit, but I got a good name so plan to do so when I get play time.

Never played a pally before so going to be a new experience for me.

I mean, no one’s forcing you. This is for those who want a Red Draenei.