Recruitment for guild, "Unfleshed" (2/10M)


Unfleshed is a progression raid guild looking to recruit a WW Monk, Resto Shaman, and a Mage to join our Heroic raid team.

We are currently 10/10 for Heroic, and are looking at pushing Mythic very soon. We raid on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6PM - 9:30PM realm (Hyjal Horde US). If interested, please contact Klaatu#1158 for more info.


Come for the progression, Stay for the Pizza Lunchables with the Tropical Capri Sun

Klaatu#1158 for more info/recruit or Rev#12277 if for some weird reason Nhanok isn’t on

Hi everyone! We are still looking for a couple people to help fill in our Mythic raid roster. We run Normal/Heroic raids Sundays as well at 5PM realm. Also we enjoy helping new players and running keys to improve our skills and help each other gear.

Bump still want another Unholy DK, WW monk, or shammy

Bump, now into mythic. 1/10