Recruiting for Saturday Heroic Group

We are a 12/12 H 3/12 M group looking for experienced players for our Saturday heroic raiding group. This group will raid from 10pm-12 ET. 450 ilvl required. Players from this group may be considered for our mythic core if they perform well.

Our guild overall is more serious than casual, but is still a fun active community. We are very active in m+ and occasionally pvp as a group.

Interested players please contact

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Hey man,

Just sent you a friend request.
Im a resto sham main and im interested in joining your Saturday heroic.
Im coming back from a break but i am right at 450 ilvl.(new to realm)
Before i stepped away i achieved 9/9 mythic Battle of Dazar’alor and got cutting edge Jaina.

Looking forward to talking to you.


Sent you a friend request.

Disc Priest, ex-Mythic raider with numerous Top 25 and Top 30 US kills. Just got back into WoW at 455 ilvl now, farming M+ with PuGs. Looking for a stable raiding guild and your times work perfect for me.
