Recrafting profession tools not getting full skill bonus for materials on Crafting Orders for Blacksmith

Been working on upgrading my profession tools for myself and some guildies and ran into an issue today.

On my Blacksmith who I have almost all points in on profession tool making, I was able to craft initially a R5 hammer with a missive no issue using concentration. However, when I try to recraft someone elses hammer from R2 to R5, even with max rank materials, its showing I’m short at least 70 skill. Even maxing out what points I have left to get, I would still need to burn an epic +40 skill item just to break the R4 barrier to be able to use concentration to get R5. I’m really hoping this is a bug.

Edit: Moving this to being a bug. After looking at Craftsim between my Blacksmith and my Tailor, its looking like the Blacksmith isn’t getting the full skill bonus for provided mats when its a Crafting order

For example, on my Tailor, craftin the Artisan Tailor’s Coat, if I provide all Q3 mats (12 Exquisite Weavercloth bolt and 3 Gleaming Shards), I get an additional 202 skill to the craft. When I do the same on recraft, I get 202 bonus skill on 6 bolts and 1 shard. Looking at the breakdown, its a

On my Blacksmith, however, for a crafted Artisan’s Blacksmith Hammer, full Q3 mats (5 Ironclaw Alloy) gives 196 bonus skill. When looking at recrafting for myself, I also get 196 for 2 alloy. When I look at recrafting for a guildie, I’m only getting 74 bonus skill. Its missing the 126 skill from the initial crafting mats.

It isn’t a bug - the initial tool was crafted using subpar materials. There’s a hidden “tax” that means you can only override SOME of those materials at any craft. After a recraft using R3 materials, you’ll notice your skill increasing as the R2 materials get overwritten.

I ran into the same problem - you can see my screenshots here as I worked it through in real time. Missing Skill Points "Recrafting" - #2 by Iskierkaa-stormrage

Sorry I didn’t see you’re reply as I moved this to the bug section after doing some further testing myself. I didn’t think about the original order having “inferior” mats that would be eventually replaced. I’ll have to do some further testing

There was a developer response to this back during DF in another bug report thread that clarified it, but the summary is that on re-craft, you are only allowed to replace 40% of the original material qualities to higher rank.

So for example, if something was made with all rank 2 and you re-craft it with all rank 3, the total skill and difficulty gap will be as though the material split is 60% R2 40% R3. Re-crafting it again would bring the split to 20% R2 80% R3. This means that any item which was made with zero R3 materials requires a minimum of three re-crafts in order to reach maximum skill.

Conversely, if you re-craft something that was originally made with, say, half R2 and half R3, then the split right away becomes 10% R2 90% R3 and you may just already be done at that point; if not, then it’d only take two re-crafts to max.

This implementation was done so that people don’t cheese the system, because it is always cheaper to re-craft than to do a full craft. It prevents making something with full R1s and then quickly maxing it with a third of the materials required at R3.

I managed to find the original post with the recraft descriptions, if you’re interested.