Recount frame stuck after update

Like the title says, after the update, the Recount window seems to be glued to the centre of the screen and can’t be moved.

It’s been updated for the the current content but can’t be moved.

Has anyone ran into this problem, and were you able to fix it?


yep me… thinking it might be another add-on bugging it… maybe.

Ive been having the same issue. Your not alone

Same issue here - seems like it’s an issue specifically with Recount. If you isolate it and disable all the other addons, it’s still stuck there.

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Same here… all toons

Same here… had to turn it off because obviously I can’t play the game with that stuck in the middle of my screen.

Hey guys Delete recount on WOW and uninstall from curseforge , while in curseforge install addon called Details this will fully replace your recount addon ,never have to use again .

Addon Name: " Details "
First day back on WOW after 12 months was getting very frustrated with it.


If we wanted details, we would download it. Details sucks IMO.

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It’s not a bug,recount is outdated and needs to be updated for prepatch.

Recount version 10 has been posted at curseforge and works.


Has recount been fixed? It still shows out of date on my addins screen in WOW. Deleted and reinstalled in Curse and still not working. Do I need to start searching for another DPS meter?