Reconsidering the Ban on GDKPs in Classic WoW

Have you considered having a t3 main?

There is something to be said about the system allowing longevity to the game, some of us have been playing our era toons nearly 5 years

Maybe if fresh anniversary players get a chance to merge onto the Era realms it’ll be the appropriate time to change the GDKP rules, but we’re only looking at a year atm, which isn’t even really time enough to fully get geared (I think -not done the math)

Yeah ban on fresh is whatever, but it will greatly reduce the number of pug raids. Especially as the content progresses - geared toons will have no incentive to pug.

Not my problem but it sucks for players that wanted to experience the content at odd hours or on alts. Or players who want to pvp competitively without buying gold.

IMO it’ll really only reduce the number of people getting carried in pugs… which is not the same thing and a kinda crappy practice anyway.

If equally geared players want to get together and pug a raid, then they won’t care about GDKP they’ll only care that they get the content done and hopefully get something.


he wasnt trying to snipe it, he was just trying to make you bid more. he’s not happy with the outcome either… nobody is.

If the only incentive is ‘getting your gold cut from gold buyers’, there’s a bigger problem going on.


I think it’s more about doing something that helps progress your toons in some way.

What incentive besides good feeling would have me go back to an instance I don’t need anything from?

There’s no problem, pugs won’t have carries, thus there will be less pugs.

I’m sure those left will enjoy progressing through every raid and never have any chance to pug naxx.

GDKPs are designed to give people are reason to raid their geared toons, its gone, thus they won’t do it. Cry all you want about why people should raid, in reality 99% of geared toons will never pug unless they get some potential reward for it.


So they only play to make gold in game? Nobody who runs in a GDKP enjoys playing the game for the sake of the game being enjoyable to them?

Not a strong argument.


Gold is pvp consumes, gear for alts, and can be used in other raids to get items.

Imagine you raid but all the items are left on the boss, no loot allowed, that’s what it feels like to raid as a carry in SR or MS > OS. It sucks so people don’t do it.

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Money can be exchanged for goods and services is also not really related to my post. Those who do not GDKP can farm easy enough, for those things. Gold is not a limited resource.

Imagine you raid but are outbid, same situation. Only the payout has a higher chance of being from a bad actor who bought gold.

Require no gold exchanged between players, and is a safer method of pugging. I do thank you for indirectly confirming that GDKP regulars only play if paid though.

Edit: not a judgement, just a clarifier.

gdkp removal was meant to flush out the pure buyer out of this game.
also it’s up for the geared toon to 1- never raid once he’s bis or 2- he can make friends in game and help those friends, tbh the people who pick 1 should not even be in classic.

the people who don’t do it, don’t even know the enjoyment of raiding or playing with others on different atmospheres, people who play just for rewards should never play any online mmo’s

99% of players will never raid a bis toon outside speedruns or like rare moments unless there is a gdkp.

Even a carry (someone who needs little items from the raid) will rarely attend a SR or MS > OS because it is losing gold for no items.

Many people have done these raids hundreds of times, and aren’t playing to ‘help people raid’, they are optimizing their limited time to make their toons as powerful as possible, or whatever goal they have.

And for those players, going into SR / MS > OS with a toon that has the items for that raid is 100% a loss of time and gold. Now if you have GDKPs they can go as carry and earn gold, thus you have more total runs.

You guys are missing the point I think, you think the runs are designed to help buyers get items. But those same people are buying gold and raiding in SR / MS > OS… The gdkps are designed to help people continue to enjoy raids after they have all the items from it. Making the entire wow experience better for all raiders since it becomes a great source of gold.

Most gdkp carries will gear their toons with LC guilds. You will never see them in a pug raid with the system banned.

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you speak as if those people are considering wow a Job

I believe you believe your made up numbers. Which is fine but without receipts you only have opinion and anecdotes.

Which means I can reply with mine and bring up the numerous runs I went on that were MS>OS and had over geared tanks/heals/dps in them. All went fine, no loot drama and clean kills. Ran with this pug group numerous times.

Which for some people is their choice. For others and I would hazard to guess a large amount of people, play for fun regardless. Whether that is helping out friends by putting pugs together or by wanting to steam roll content while over geared.

Which reinforces that the GDKP regulars only play if they get paid. Not for enjoyment of the game.


Such a strange statement to make considering most gdkp players have done guild raids, lc sr, ms > os, etc…

We enjoy the game but we also have limited time. If my main won’t get items from a raid I won’t go there - there’s a million other things I can do. I don’t see why that would say someone doesn’t enjoy the game.

GDKPs are super smooth and predictable. I ran naxx gdkp every week last year and each time it was a couple hours, smooth, everyone there on time, enjoyable, great talks, and focused gameplay.

So many SR / MS > OS I go to will like wipe multiple in bwl, people make common mistakes, all the rat geared players put SR on the one rare items, people don’t consume.

It is just sloppy gaming and some people enjoy it, but many don’t and thus they won’t partake.

If it is a strange statement then why are there numerous “without GDKP I quit” posts and in game discussions?
If those same players get their gear using a different method of loot distro, why not keep doing it?

GDKP are not the only way to pug. LFG goes off for content regularly. It is not the job of the game to change to any one persons schedule.
I would also say you can create your own pugs during your playtime as well.

Which is fair, however the entire player base is not you. What others do is based on their own concepts of fun per time spent.

Fair, I should narrow my scope a bit back to raiding.
“If you only do something because you are paid when doing it.” is more apt for my statements.

Can be found in other loot systems as well. Just like GDKP, there are discords and such for pugging other loot method raids. If the “quality of player” that is in GDKP is no longer able to GDKP, those players can easily rotate to a diff loot system with those same players and find success.

Find better groups is all I can say, or start your own with posted requirements. Not uncommon and you should fill just fine. Vetting doesn’t go away when GDKP is in the raid advert.

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There’s no difference between items and gold.

They both make your character stronger and allow you to play the game at a higher level.

I cannot play at the level I want, given the time I have, without GDKPs. Thus I have to make a lot of concession in what I will do in fresh - I’ve even gone back to play my Era toon because there’s no ranking on fresh.

But don’t be naive, a huge percentage of players that do push on fresh will only do so because they are buying gold. GDKPs didn’t increase that, it allowed players to avoid doing so by raiding.

I’m mostly a pvp player so the raid gives me a play to farm fast in a fun way and support the activity I want. Take that away and you will lose me in the raids, and there are many more carries with my mindset than not.

Fresh will be fine, but imo the hate towards GDKPs is super mis founded. It opens the game up in a way that all other pug systems struggle to do.

I honestly do not believe you in this. If you are able to make time for a GDKP you can make time to raid with those same people with a different loot system.

Irrelevant and dismissive tbh. Was never speaking about bought gold beyond bad actors in a GDKP.

ANY incentive to buy gold will increase that rate, do not be naive. Doesn’t matter if buyouts are 10g or 1000000g there will always be someone making the wrong choice and buying gold.

Just say you only raid if you get paid. No judgement to you on it, but you really are skirting just making that statement.

I don’t hate it, I dislike it and do not trust others in those raid to not have bought gold. If I end up with a copper of that gold I risk account action for RMT.

I disagree but that’s fine. I really think GDKP is overblown and it did strangle out other “traditional” methods of raiding which made it hard to find a normal run that I didn’t have to farm for. If I dislike that X item is on HR, then I either make my own or choose another. With GDKP being allowed it was the only option. Which is why blizz axed it.

For the record I have ZERO issue with SR MS>OS. Clean and have never in recent memory had a pug fail to clear the raid.

What I mean is I want to pvp and use consumes, and full consume when I raid, and that cost a ton of gold.

Raids don’t pay, pvp doesn’t pay. I do not want to run around farming for 5 hours for every 1 hour of pvp or raid.

Those players that aren’t playing full-time you see doing that are mostly just buying gold. Some are great farmers, AH botters, etc. but by and large, they are just buying gold.

GDKPs make it possible for players that don’t want to buy gold to raid and play at the top level.

Take it away and players ability to play legitimately dramatically drops.

30% of what you sell on the AH is probably bought by someone who buys gold.

Because those runs attract good carries and thus are way better. Artificially preventing the community from its preferred method isn’t great and you just end up with way less raids.