There is no debate, wsg isn’t competitive.
It’s a battleground not an arena.
Y’all been playing for 20 years show me some clips or videos.
I’m sure 2 highly regarded members of the top wsg pvp community have videos and clips , right?
There is no debate, wsg isn’t competitive.
It’s a battleground not an arena.
Y’all been playing for 20 years show me some clips or videos.
I’m sure 2 highly regarded members of the top wsg pvp community have videos and clips , right?
I’m in a game but sure what kind of clip do you want to see?
Didn’t rank. Doesn’t have a 60 on Era. Isn’t 60 on Nightslayer. Still thinks they know enough to talk about WSG. Not even worth talking to, champ.
Where’s your clips at bro show me some videos.
Ranking doesn’t require skills you know that that’s not a metric of skill it’s just how much time you had
Ranking is literally the opposite of being competitive
PVP clips of you.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
You wouldn’t know what you’re looking at, champ.
They aren’t wargame clips though there are some gamers in there
Nowl, you don’t know what you’re talking about lmfao.
Ranking is about HPH not having good long competitive matches.
My guy thinks ranking is about skill lmfao
Still waiting on your clips bro
But ranking isn’t WSG - you play WSG after you get your items. (and you play while ranking but pug stomping isn’t competitive it is just fun)
It is the final wow endgame.
I know it isn’t wsg, you don’t want long games you want HPH.
Which is the opposite of what he’s trying to to say lmfao
Good premades play 3-4 days a week and sit at cap while the rest catch up unless it’s AV weekend or there’s a sanding terrorist. You never ranked. You don’t know anything lol.
Bad premades will go next against other premades for their HPH. Good premades will stomp other premades so that the bad premades go next all day. You don’t play every single game for HPH, sometimes it’s a pissing match that could gain you a net benefit of honor in the weeks to months.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Where’s your clips at bro?
Show me something, let’s see your skill.
Even I have sod wsg clips, hell they were even uploaded into the raid forums, only 1 of us seems to be hiding our skills.
You that dude who knows everything about his game but just still sucks at itm
My wsg clips aren’t on here from when I swapped PCs will upload when I get home to post here.
You a whole coward bro, you basically Throwinhands
You ain’t gonna show anything.
Waste of time tbh
You seem to have missed the point.
The honor system isn’t about actually winning or skill. It’s purely about grinding honor. So losing fast becomes a better strat than winning.
So losing fast becomes a better strat than winning.
In the short term.
Bad premades will go next against other premades for their HPH. Good premades will stomp other premades so that the bad premades go next all day. You don’t play every single game for HPH, sometimes it’s a pissing match that could gain you a net benefit of honor in the weeks to months.