Reconsidering the Ban on GDKPs in Classic WoW

We stomped everyone.

You’re talking to someone who has done pvp in this game for 20 years and I don’t mean just era pvp.

Your scope is era, stick to era.

The movies are still there look up Spoh

Then you didn’t play any good teams.

Which is really easy if you only pvp in vanilla when the ‘zerg’ of players is there.

For real vanilla pvp you have to seek out good teams and make wargames or only queue when mostly good players are playing.

Your definition of a good team isn’t mine

Every single person on your 2006 team could be multi-r1 glads now and still get blown out by the most average Era pug.

Yes people who have done 20 years of era.

Now bring them to current wow and they get stomped by 1200 rated players lmfao

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Definition doesn’t matter - two good teams in WSG will always have a grind.

Either you think your magically so good, or you just didn’t run into any good teams because you played when hundreds of thousands of noobs were ranking.

No one is trash talking current WoW or trying to flex their ability in current WoW. You are trying to talk about things you’re just not good at. It’s embarrassing.

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You can’t quantify what is good cuz there’s no way to do it in Era PVP lmfao.

If this was TBC I’d just smash you in arena what we going to do, meet in elwynn?

Try to queue sync our wsg teams???


You sound so stupid.

You haven’t done anything in this game man, you are an era only player

Do you know what a wargame is?

Yes I do.

Are those in era?

Why would they not be…

He doesn’t know they were added before TBC to allow good teams to face each other.

Wargames are a cata feature if I recall lmao.

They were added two months before AQ was out LOL. You’re cooked.

In era maybe not in vanilla

In Classic 2019. Era is post-TBC servers. You don’t know the verbiage.

But I knew exactly what wargames were before you did, they were a cata feature lmfao.

You didn’t know they were in Classic 2019 because you got farmed into AV ranking and never touched WSG. Stay in your lane.

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I didn’t rank in era lmfao.

My guy using a cata feature I knew about 15 years before you LMFAO.

show me a video of your wargames wsg matches?

Go ahead I’ll wait.

There was a discord that was poppin off decently before anniversary server. Though keep in mind, a lot of times on Era the wargame is like 50-60% the same players you regularly play in pugs since the community so small.

But I think you’re missing the point and trying to be combative.

The point we are making is that WSG is amazing pvp - perhaps you can debate whether arena is better or worse for competitive pvp. And that’s def something worth discussing.

But if you take the stance that vanilla pvp and vanilla wsg aren’t competitive high skill cap game modes, you are just burying your head in the sand.