Recompense bugged

the paladin ability recompense did 200k. pretty sure it’s supposed to be capped at 30 % of your max life. ran into a team of boosters filled with alt codes running WW unholy hpal.

ye been bugged for awhile now still haven’t fixed it

So the hpally did. 200k judgement?


Ya I was hit by one of those last month

Jesus Christ

You sure that wasn’t just the fire mage effect? :grinning:


I was on frost doing big dam to his DPS then he judged me dead

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judgement for 40k +200k

You were just found wanting, that’s all.

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if Catharsis got nerfed and fixed, this needs it also

Hpals reading this thread be like


Might cause more than 5 to que up

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The bug is very random so it’s not to worry. unless someone finally learned to finally exploit it.
The method or “Theory” can be found online and it was brought to attention by youtuber “Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks” on his Patreon:

I am unable to post link but the theory goes as:

How might we use this? Here is a simple method:

  1. Set up a situation where a paladin and a partner of any class in close proximity.

  2. The partner receives high damage from an npc or other player.

  3. The paladin casts blessing of sacrifice (remember that Recompense must be talented) on the player receiving damage.

  4. He then takes the stored damage from sacrifice and takes it somewhere where it will be useful (eg arena).

Now there is a limit of 30% of the player’s maximum health on recompense: how exactly players may be getting round this stipulation is not clear: there are many ways to raise your maximum health.

You can just simply raise your maximum health with consumables, buffs and trinkets (my recent monk one-shot video contains some tips on this).

It can also be done with health increasing buffs from specific instances or open world locations (Matty makes an interesting suggestion about the health buffs from Cobalt Assembly in the comments below.)

It’s a very interesting theory.
I will probably never do it as I have no time for it.
Someone did say the bug survived into the recent patch as evidence of this thread.
Crazy it has not been fixed yet if OP states it’s true.
Has it finally been exploited?

Found something. A paladin did a 150k recompense in a 15s arena match where he had never pressed Blessing of Sacrifice.

Instead, it triggered after he used Blessing of Summer (and before it expired.)

What we noticed:

  1. After blessing of sacrifice, let recompense buff drop
  2. During blessing of summer, judgement. Previously stored recompense (incorrectly) hits.
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This is still bugged, partner got hit for a 300k recompense from an hpal ~20 seconds in the match.

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You probably deserved it. I got hit by one of these early today as well.

Yeah you just got to not do damage into sac I guess.

Can confirm for hit by a 230k a few days back.

Dang, that Paladin never sleeps.


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i got hit by a 336k recompense the other week was a hpal