Recommended exotics pets?

I haven’t played BM in a long time, trying it out and I’m curious what are some good pets to tame, I don’t know any areas to look or anything.

Clefthoof is the best tanking pet available - bar none.


Even beyond just Exotics there are actually a ton of cool tames out there. Somber Dawn on the Broken Shore is one of my favorite new tames this expansion. Mammoths are also really cool and Larions too. Cloud Serpents are another group that is now tamable once you get the book from the reputation back in the Jade forest in Pandaria. You can even tame the Elagon from Mogu Sha Vaults which doubles as a spirit beast.

I keep hearing that term spirit beast, what does it mean?

Theres some big glowing porcupines in Pandaland. Spirit Beasts, I think.

Spirit Beasts are an Exotic Pet family. Each Exotic Pet family has a special ability in addition to the standard family ability each exotic pet possesses additional abilities be it a passive or active ability.

Spirit Beasts in particular actually have two. There standard family ability is a Cure/ Dispel the pet can use on itself, Its secondary abilities are Spirit Mend a very minor heal over time that can be used on anyone (The hunter, party members, other pets ect) and Spirit Walk a Stealth that is most effective in PVP that gives the pets first attack out of Stealth 20% additional damage.

Spirit Beasts have a number of very unique appearances which is generally why they are sought after.

As you may know in addition to the families all pets are broken up in to 3 Specializations which each give a different passive benefit and active ability they share with the Hunter. Spirit Beasts are Tenacity Pets which give additional maximum HP as there passive and an active defensive which gives 20% damage reduction for 6 seconds. Because of the minor heal Spirit Beasts are generally considered the best for Raiding given the added survivability.

It is worth a little to mention in the past expansion Spirit Mend was nurfed drastically due to its aggressive scaling in BFA.

If your interested in looking at pets and trying to figure out what types of pets do what there is a websites called Petopia which is a detailed catalogue of all pets and what mobs you can tame for them and links to WoWhead. There is also a Talents and skills Section which easily shows which family has what ability, what spec they belong to and which families are exotics.


wow-petopia . com can offer a lot of help with pets.

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From a practicality standpoint nothing beats clefthooves for solo and tanking. They just straight up have the best combination of tank skills.

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They’re not invincible (sadly), but they get close. They can take a lot of punishment though, and that’s alright.

For a good skin, go tame one of the ones in WoD-Nagrand. For a slight challenge, go tame Faultline in Mythic BrF.

Started playing a couple of months ago. Getting Faultline was the first thing I did when I hit 50. Has come in super clutch soloing a lot of Shadowlands content.

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In addition to taking a ton of damage, they also bring Lust/Hero, also great for bursting down elites and such.

So at 50 I can get this faultline fella?

As much as I love the Clefthoof for soloing, I’m not fond of the general appearance and large size.

I started using a scalehide and it seems to be a very close second best pet. I really like the appearance of the Korthia ones.

But a Clefthoof did let me solo all of TC with minimal fuss and few deaths.


Same. Clefthooves are all so big and ugly. Can we please have a tank pet that doesn’t look like an actual tank?

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His pet clefthooves, Matzo and George, disliked that.

My babies :<.


clefthoof - hard boss, lust, and for when heal-over-time is useful

aquiri bug - for when you need runspeed, like fatescribe and soulrender, not bad for harassing in group battleground pvp too sometimes if there’s enough heal around

spirit beast - for +health and a little DR on cooldown, fights with big chonky damage

EDIT: and I use a wolf for some m+ when players complain about the clefthoof size

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Yep! Didn’t need to be geared in any meaningful way and you still one shot everything. Careful that you dont KO the boss or faultline (use feign death if faultline dies to reset the encounter). I’d suggest just be familiar with some of the boss attacks as it can mess you up a bit. The aspect of the turtle really helps too!