Recommendations for Shaman Healing in Phase 5

I have been thinking of some class fantasy adjustments and ways to improve shaman healing. As of today, outside of Burn+Flametongue, there really isnt a usable imbue and I feel like Frostbrand is incredibly underutilized.

When I look at healing in WoW, there are typically 3 central themes for success:

  1. Throughput - How much healing can i push out?
  2. Resource Management - Do I have enough resources to keep up with my throughput?
  3. Emergency situations - Do I have the tools to keep people alive when all hell breaks loose?

Shamans today have very strong throughput and resource management but lack emergency healing for critical situations.

It would be great to use something like Tidal Waves to improve Frostbrand Weapon (like Burn does with Flametongue, Way of earth does with Rockbiter, and Maelstrom Weapon does with Windfury) to fill in some of the gaps we have for #3 and tying class fantasy to an under utilized imbue.

Whether that a proc for increase cast speed or even something like reduced CD on Nature’s Swiftness.