Recommend some ps4/ps5 games

→ I love stuff that doesn’t make me motion sick, so not too fast paced
→ I love to solve puzzles/use my brain
→ I am terrible at aiming, so not good at shooters
→ I rage over dying a lot/failing, so I like stuff that’s forgiving

I have a PS5 now, with 0 games, because I can’t find any I want. I am waiting for a few games not yet released(Stray, Hogwarts). But looking for some games now.

Maybe remasters of classics, like the Spyro trilogy? Though that’s available on PC and arguably better there…

PS4/PS5 has a number of JRPGs like the Final Fantasy 7 remake that look great and have forgiving difficulty settings if those are your jam.

I would like a PS5 to play the new Ratchet and Clank game, but alas, I am too poor.

I’m so old, I had a Playstation One - and the only game I had was Spyro. It made me to physically sick within 30 mins of play, I never played it again or even bought more games for my Playstation lol.

So I just got 3 games - The Dark Picture games - 2 were PS4, newest one is on PS5
And I also got Until Dawn.

I figure games with mostly cinematics/decision making can’t make me sick lol