Recomendation for a DPS meter pls

haha i know but I don’t know any other addons that do meters unless OP just uses logs but that can be annoying.

Nice troll post op must be bored.

Details has a ton of features but 90% of the time I just want HPS/DPS and it does fine showing those things.

Especially the break down of abilities being used so I can SMDH at the dumb Demon Hunter tank who did the entire dungeon WITHOUT USING A SINGLE SIGIL RAAAGE


Get rid of them.

Yeah I have it installed and I use it - on occasion. It is the best. I try just disabling the extra plug ins and just use two from the add ons list - if that makes sense. Like, when I downloaded Details, it came with 8 or so folders, and I just have two that I check and run while I play.

Even typing that seemed complicated.

So I have Details. It seems the most accurate, and the way to go these days. But it is too detailed lol. They should have a “noob mode” setting.

I saw a streamer plug in and I was like… will it work if I just deleted this? I probably will never stream in my life.

They’re a great learning tool for those who want to work towards bettering themselves for their groups. No reason to get rid of them.

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They’re also how I know one of my trinkets does a full 7-9% of my healing :scream:

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What trinket? :open_mouth:

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It’s actually different numbers. Some count 100% of combat time for dps, other only look at active time (so intermissions and things don’t count). It’s less about accuracy and more about what they actually measure.

Does a lot more than I’d expect from a trinket.

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That’s awesome!

TinyDPS is an alternative I have used. No bells and whistles.

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I still use Recount. If I want fancy reports with tons of options I’ll just log whatever I’m doing.

Good morning Necro

I made a post similar to this around the end of CN/beginning of SoD.

What I learned is that Recount is wildly inaccurate because it ONLY tracks up-time. For me, there’s definite logic to that. Why are you PENALIZING my dps during certain parts of the fight where I CANNOT FIGHT? Or there are certain mechanics where you 100% have to focus on the mechanic, and you CANNOT dps. Why should I get penalized for that?

The answer is: too bad.

The consensus is that your DPS should be tracked, even during downtime. For that reason alone (herd mentality), you can’t use Recount.

Skada seems to be for people who get off on being contrary. Everyone uses Details… so I’m not going to. Doesn’t matter that there’s nothing wrong with Details, or that it does everything Skada does but better… people just insist on being different. whatever

So Details is, without question, the go-to DPS meter. It offers a rather huge amount of customization, which I GUESS is what people are saying is that it’s hard to configure? Except … to just use it as a DPS meter, you don’t have to configure ANYTHING. You just install it and use it. It works right out of the box. Hard to argue against that.

Details has the OPTION to effectively make it like Recount, where it doesn’t track down-time but, like I said, the CONSENSUS is that is not your TRUE dps. So don’t do it that way.

If you’re interested in performance and not just waving your epeen around, you’ll want to track your info on Warcraft logs. And WCL is going to reflect the DPS from Details, not Recount. So… don’t bother.

Good luck!

i am definitely on the left side of the wow technical proficiency bell curve

and details is quite simple enough even for me

i like how i can easily change the size and placement of the windows without having to do anything other than unlocking the windows

None, bc it doesn’t matter. Don’t fall for the “muh numbers” crap.

I wish Skada would get updated. That’s my favorite one. Details is a resource hog, looks terrible, and can’t be as easily configured as Skada.


Honestly, unless you desperately need to know your DPS numbers, it’s better to not play with one. Far less stress on yourself that way, especially if you’re the type of player who does get stressed when they see themselves underperforming.

That used to be me, and I was losing hair and getting greys over it, so I uninstalled them and my overall enjoyment of WoW has vastly increased.