Reclamation Rig in Mechagon with a full inventory = no loot

Apparently if you’re inventory is full, which is easy to do if you play a hybrid and do the new zones, you will not get any loot for finishing the Reclamation Rig event in Mechagon.
I waited until this evening to post in case it got postmaster’d to me.

I did the “hard” mode event, with the super collider, and had full bags before it ended from looting the enemies that spawn during the event. When it ended I got no boxes, no pop-up about boxes and nothing from the postmaster.

I tried doing the event again and only got the junk box, but did not receive an Irradiated box of parts or a normal box of parts. So the game recognized I had already done the rig once for the day despite getting no rewards.

This feels like a pretty big oversight in a zone full of bag space hogging debris.


Same thing happened to me as well. GM basically told me i was SoL as there was no record of any drops for me from it.


That stinks Janaru, my ticket is still open and waiting for a response. I’ll post an update when I hear back from a GM.

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Also had this issue, please fix, blizz.

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So I got a response on my ticket, and they sent me the missing box.

Sadly, I can not open the box and actually had trouble even getting it out of the mailbox for some reason.
I can’t open or move it around my inventory. No idea what’s going on with it. Guess I need to open a new ticket?

*edit - looks like mailed boxes are a known issue right now, still have a follow-up ticket pending in case they can do anything since it was restored by a GM, maybe they can fix it?


I ended up looking this up and found this:

No Rewards from the Reclamation Rig Event

Updated: 3 months ago
Article ID: 242920
Common Problems

  • I completed the Reclamation Rig event and didn’t receive rewards

You will not receive the rewards for this event by mail if your bags were full when attempting to loot them. Please make sure that you have free space in your bags before looting them.

Customer Service will not be able to provide the rewards that were missed due to this issue.

So basically, they are refusing to do anything about it or bother to do anything to help you, and “that’s your problem, not ours.” THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.


Think this just happened to me :frowning: I looked in my bags to see no box and tried to find out why.

Of course my bags are full. I’m a Druid with 4 specs and all those parts and grey items from the Rig . . Sad day today.

This is still an issue. Had it happen to me the other day. Submitted a ticket, and their canned response was “It wouldn’t be fair to the other people if I gave you your item and not theirs.”

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Even better, I’ve done it twice today and received no reward despite having empty bag space.


Well just found this post while trying to do the achievement. Thank you Blizzard for yet another hopeless level of customer support. Typically full bag drops appear in the post, except this one because you are too lazy to spend 5 minutes to fix your crappy code. With the release of SL and a low level mage doing this without a group - which you cant get because everyone’s gringing Torghast - why I have no idea, means i’m super happy I got nada after finally getting 2 people to help.