Hi! After reading this, I believe in the Scarlet Crusade and would like to sign up! Rest assured I’m not really a risen knight, I’m merely “undercover”.
That’s kind of me too these days. I might have seen you around once or twice.
Cults a cult, It doesn’t matter if they are killing people or not.
Everything about them is a cult.
Now that I have a little time, let me straighten some things out for all you undead lovers out there.
And please don’t back track and say you never meant to defend the undead.
If the undead are such a great bunch of, well, undead, then explain to me why it’s ok for a human named Theresa walks around undercity, the only human allowed to do so? Because Gerard Abernathy conducted experiments and removed parts of her brain making her a mind slave.
Is that ok? answer that before you move on. Don’t gloss over it.
What about the live alliance subjects being tested on being fed all sorts of potions until they turn into sheep and blow up. Apothecary Keever must merit some accolades from you right? He’s not a cultist as you claim we are. He just an undead fiend doing his job right? Oh and there’s also a mutilated orc in there too. You wonder why humans want to defend themselves?
Answer that one before moving on.
You speak of genocide (and by the way for you (expletive deleted) that like to say ‘don’t use that term’ we are obviously talking about a fictional world. Either contribute to the discussion or gt*o.)
Wrathgate? Creating the blight. Using it on humans, dwarves and their allies. That poor unsuspecting Tauren in under city. They also killed thousands and put survivors in concentration camps. Used people in their experiments. Forsaken often said, “Death to the living!”
Not all though, and in vanilla a few dozen went their separate way. Some to the Argent Dawn and others to expose the crimes of the Forsaken and Sylvanas seen in the area around Dalaran bubble.
The many crimes of the Forsaken range from genocide to slavery and using their resources to end all life on Azeroth. Again the Royal Apothecary Society gleefully embraced their vision and goals. Making them slightly less evil than the Scourge. Even after Wrathgate, Thrall the Warchief put Kor’kron guards around the Undercity. He knew that they had to be kept on a short leash and not to trust Sylvanas.
Blight is so abhorrent that Garrosh thought it was evil. When Garrosh is seen as the moral compass. The forsaken have a problem.
Now you may disagree on this, but blight and it’s uses. Was created for the expressed purpose of ending all life not just undead, but the virulent strains was designed to kill all types of living things and to make the land uninhabitable for the living. What part of that don’t you understand? Creating a world ending weapon and using it on several occasions even when warned not to. Is a problem.
I mean if I’m in a leadership position with citizens who are refugees of a land that is infested with a race that is participating in my point of view unethical actions. I would have a very heavy bias especially if I knew that this race was a form of a corruption that caused these people to lose their homes in the first place. This race from a scarlet point of view has shown how evil they are from their actions. I’m pretty sure out of all the races the undead are the least liked followed by most likely the orcs.
Come on, let me here your comeback on that one. Can’t wait.
Look, i’m not saying the scarlet crusade you all know is perfect. Faaar from it. BUT WE HAD DEMONIC INFLUENCE. THE UNDEAD DID THIS OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL. please don’t ignore this line. it’s very important.
as far as RP’ing here is concerned, i wasn’t aware there was an RP section I should have commented in. Or is this the forum? because if it is, and you aren’t RP minded like I am, then keep your comments to yourself.
I do forget sometimes I’m probably much older than most of you on here so I tend not to insult or slam others so easily as many of you do. Let’s have a good discussion on the merits of facts and what the future holds, not the past.
Our demonic influence is over. We are trying to rebuild. If you are alliance then help us remove the undead threat from our homeland. (this part is RP in case some of you are so dense you can’t see it)
Come on undead lovers. I’m rested and i’m off today. Let’s do this.
After years of adventuring across Azeroth and other unholy realms, bearing witness to unspeakable horrors, I have come to the conclusion that the Scarlet Crusade is what the Alliance should have been in spirit and in action!
I’m here to join your growing ranks, righteous cause and finally fight for the side of light and good!