Reclaiming Gilneas, A Worgen Fan Reflecting

Yeah… A Gilneas hearthstone that has a 30min cd that doesn’t have a unique casting effect… Whoopie…


This questline was very VERY disappointing, i was so excited for new Worgen content and all we got was a terribly written 10 minute quest to sideline Glen, thats it.


I honestly kept expecting some twist to the ending for there to be more until the cinematic between Genn and Tess ended. And to just add to the crowd, god that set is the most hideous thing I have seen lately.


I also encountered a bug or a really awful design decision:

if you go to Greymane manor and talk to the npc standing facing the door at the stairs and say “i would like the manor to myself for a while” it clears out the entire city effectively undoing all the quest without a clear option to go back to it.

apparently it takes a whole day for them to return and i accidentally pressed that thinking oh i’ll just get some peace in the manor but nope!


Yeah I seen the fox mount and really it’s confusing to me how it’s gilnean. And again like the heritage set the shoulders on the mog are kind of overly gaudy.

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The whole thing was entirely emblematic of every Dragonflight experience.

A bunch of girlbosses boss around a weak man, then a brief moment of underwhelming gameplay, then women cry about their feelings.

Lather, rinse, and repeat.

The Reclamation of Gilneas feels too rushed. We just entered Keel Harbor without any resistance, retake Aderic’s Repose, smack our way theough the tunnel into Gilneas City to fight some generic Scarlet Crusade fanatic nobody ever heard of and retakes the City before the questline ends.


We should have been given something grand like The War of Thorns or the Shadowlands Pre-Patch Event: where there’s Rares, World Bosses, or World Quests made available in the Zone to really make the place feel like we are not just taking back the City; but the entire Peninsula from the Scarlet Crusade fanatics, giving other notable Gilneans a chance to properly shine.

As for the kind of rewards made available from the Reclamation, we could have gotten recolors of the Gilnean Starting Gear that weren’t available in the game back in Cataclysm, maybe even recolors of the Gilnean Heritage Gear similar to that of the alternate color variants of the Mag’har, Orcish, and Human Heritage Gears, maybe even an Ettin Battle Pet that could be won from Koroth’s Den. Instead of just having the one white Fox Mount, might I suggest another Mount to add to that list: “Liam’s Trusty Steed” which is an updated BfA-Style bareback White Horse mount that similar to Blanchy in SL or the terrified Kodo in BfA Darkshore could be found running around Gilneas that Players could find and unlock.

There could also be a nice little Achievement System for doing activities in Gilneas including a Meta-Achievement for completing them all that would reward Players with the ever-requested Gilnean Carriage as a unique 10-Person Taxi-style Mount likened to the WoTLK Tundra Mammoth and Pandaria Expedition Yak that also has it’s own Rostrum System allowing for certain customization options: chief among them is the option to change out the Carriages’ Harness on what sort of Ground Mount you had already collected would pull the Carriage for you with the only limitation being that they have to be living creatures and have a general “walk/run” animation (no Pandaren Phoenixes or BfA Parrots). The Harness could use 1 “Large” Mount (Gronnlings, Triceratops, Clefthoofs, or Infernals), 2 “Medium” Mounts (Elekks, Kodos, Vulpins, or Boars), or 4 “Small” Mounts (Standard Classic Horses, Unicorns, Skeleton Horses, Hawkstriders, Rams, Wolves, etc.). And because of it’s Rostrum, you can even customize contracts to purchase certain NPC vendors to travel with you on the Carriage including the NPCs from your already-collected Taxi Mounts, Mission Table Followers like the ever-familiar Gnoll Brawler Meatball or the perfectionistic Steward of Kharazan Moroes, even your Toys like Katy Stampwhistle for a Mailbox, or the Goblin Racial Gobber for a Banker. With the most sought-after NPC that you could get for the Gilnean Carriage that would make it lucrative would be Madame Goya: who much like the BMAH Swag is available on certain days in limited quantities for Max Gold; making it just as effective of a Gold Sink as any other already present.

I would have preferred a separate questing experience for Alliance and Horde. Have the Gilneas sail in and invade from Stormglen while the Horde invade via front door and it most certainly needed to be longer, much longer.

And by Golrinn’s crusty tail, -WHO- designed and approved of that mog? That mog doesn’t scream Gilnean or Worgen to me at all, it just looks, so, so poor and terrible.

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I agree we deserved a better questline. Something that was over time like we did in the sunwell. On the isles of qual Dani’s
I feel like blizzards writing is getting lazy. They are to worried about inclusion and not worried anymore about creating just pure old epicness.
Like what is going on blizzard! Take a page out of ESOs book and make some
Epic story’s and stop worrying about if you have enough equalization. Give us our epic story’s back that seemed to die after Legion