Reckoning bomb in tanaris

So I received an email from blizzard stating that I am to stop using reckbombs in town.

I’m confused on how ganking players in town is different to rogues camping flight paths or groups camping our boats?

It was mentioned that I was avoiding guards, a quick check would show that I have repair bills from being beaten on guards and sometimes I escape and others I die.

If reckbomb is against the tos, then why is it in the game knowing that it was in classic?

I’ve tried to send them a ticket, but support sent me here.


man this sounds pretty crazy honestly.


Worst part is at the bottom of the email is a contact us, you go through the motions and end up with dead ends with no way of contacting them.


Blizz horde bias confirmed???

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We’ve received many reports indicate that you reckoning glitch for PVP and also abusing guard in Tanaris.
The behavior you did in the game could ruin others’ gameplay experience.

Please stop breaking our term of use and stop these kind of behavior in the game.
If we receive someone reports your in game behavior again, we might consider to give penalty on your account.

We do believe no one would like this happen, so we decide to give you a warning first.

Hope you could understand the situation and stand in others’ shoes.

Blizzard Entertainment

If that email you posted was a direct copy-paste of the email you received, and you clicked on any links in that email, you should be concerned for you account security.

There is no way that email was an official Blizzard response.


Sounds like the OP got reck bombed



Was filled with a lot of grammar errors and spelling mistakes, the link sent me to blizzard site though.

Was trying to post and edit so blizzard could see what I was talking about and deleted, hopefully they can sill see it.

Ummmm. Yea change you’re password


post screenshots of the email or something

It’s because Blizzard GMs are too inept at playing the game. I got warned for “Safe spotting” because I killed a guy that was out of sight from the guards behind a house which was always allowed back in Classic. The only time safespotting ever was considered an offense was if you were climbing on stuff like buildings where the guards initially could not reach you until they were given the gun as a final solution, or wall jumping on terrain to attack people from an area they couldn’t otherwise get to without the same wall jumping.

I swear, someone gets ganked in Gadgetzan and they don’t assess where the patrolling guards were, they just assess that you aren’t dead to them and presume safe spotting. Let me guess, killing duelers in Ironforge slightly out of guard range so they can’t aggro will be safespotting next?

At this point I fully expect them to just make all the neutral cities classified as “Sanctuary” areas like Shattrath.

I undid the delete, since I don’t think it’s a blizzard email I don’t see account action for talking about blizzard penalty happening.

If it is, they can delete and reword the email correctly.

Update, I received an email from blizzard that it was actually a warning from blizzard to not reckbomb in tanaris.

Not only has quality control dropped off a lot, we also can’t pvp in a flagged town apparently.

Edit-Upon reading the email again, it states that if you didn’t violate the tos then you have nothing to worry about and it was sent because I was reported a bunch.

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Lmfao :joy:
ppl getting that salty about reckbombs to the point of mass-reporting you makes me want to roll a paladin

just message them #nochanges, the carebear attitude is why retail is so bad and its slowly ruining classic