Reckoning and its functionality

So I was curious as to know your thoughts on the Paladin talent, Reckoning, and how it will function in retail. I know it is up to speculation, but with certain changes, it will not work as it did in Vanilla.

Here are some pieces of information circulating on the forums:

Reckoning (Rank 5)
Gives you a 100% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

In depth analysis from a Vanilla player

This link was from a Paladin in patch 1.10. The Jist of it:

The following things can cause you to drop your charges:
* Ending a Duel
* Mounting up (including gryphons)
* Autoattacking too early (e.g. from out of range) [potentially changed later]
* Switching Continents
* Switching Weapons
* Losing control of your character (Fear, Scattershot, Blind, Polymorph, Mind
Control, etc.)

Various forms of CC did remove reckoning while others did not. The information is hard to come by as to which CC’s specifically and if it was corrected by patch 1.12. There are old vanilla PvP videos where you can dig, but it is irrelevant if this is entirely a bug.

Further information that is typically well known about the spell is in the post such as the amount of stacks, etc., which aren’t necessary to go into detail in this post.

A Summation of those information snippets:
* Mounting loses stacks, but you can stack while mounted
* Max Reckoning stacks is 4 + initial auto equaling 5 hits
* Multiple procs can happen such as judgement of
* Sitting does not stack on white attacks, but does on yellow attacks

Sit/stacking according to the way it worked in vanilla

In this video you can see that paladin using a combination of sit/stand while a mob attacks him. This is due to what some speculate as a result of spell batching.

If we assume it is due to spell batching, then it is because when the mob initiates its attack sequence, it is registered against you in sitting form, but on your end you are standing and receive a critical hit, granting you a reckoning stack. The paladin in this video is critically hit multiple times receiving no reckoning stack and we can see that it has to be timed precisely. We can assume in this video the Paladin had previously attempted simply sitting to receive a critical hit and never gained a charge from it.

If we do not have spell batching, then reckoning will not work in its original form.

So what are your thoughts on reckoning? We are all aware of certain areas of the internet where you can control reckoning with sit/stacking. Additionally, the crowd control effects removing reckoning would render the talent inconsistent and frustrating.

Will CC remove reckoning stacks?
Will Sit/standing not work to build stacks without spell batching?
Will weird activities remove reckoning stacks?

Incoming wall of text and or trolling from various posters, but not this Dwarf.

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Baconn<Reverends of Swagger>120 Human Paladin22760315 posts

Aug 28 (Edited)
Got linked over to this post from I assume Theloras, and I can shed a little light on Reckoning. Some of the info from my 14 year old guide was a little out-of-date: IIRC when the sticky dropped I stopped updating the guide.

Normally if you’re sitting down you would not get Reckoning charges from auto-attacks. However, you could gain charges from random NPCs by constantly sitting and standing up due to server lag: mob would try to attack you as your were sitting, so it’d be a forced crit. However, if you stood up just as you were getting hit, the server would see you as if you were standing and get a Reckoning charge. I learned this by chance after showing a buddy of mine how Reckoning worked, and he just did some guess-work, pulled a scorpion outside of Gadgetzon, got 4 charges and then went and one-shot a level 42 guy in town. He would do this for hours and it was a masterpiece to watch.

TLDR - Baconn is the one who wrote “Guide to Reckoning V2 (Current 1.10)”

Was that due to spell batching or actual lag?

We’re likely not going to have servers with higher latency with the re-release.

Additionally, if CC removes reckoning stacks, it would essentially render the talent useless.

I love how you keep quoting an old friend of mine. lol

He/she is a great resource.

He was honestly one of the best Paladins in his day. Definitely the best Pally on Firetree, by a large margin.

No proof either way. The original server tech is gone. However, if you compare it to front stabbing then spell batching seems to be the likelier of the two.

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My thoughts, exactly, meaning this does not bode well for reckoning.

In which case, those issues won’t be as big of an issue if we know how reckoning will maintain stacks.

Will CC, mounting, etc. Remove it? I have been trying to find some 1.12 reckoning videos.

However this faq is a little out of date I believe because reckoning was changed to be on next hit instead of an instant counter attack by 1.12.

I’m pretty sure that any cc that doesn’t cause your character to move on it’s own wont remove stacks like stuns and incapacitates.

in the TBC pre patch 2.0.1 yes but but not 1.12.1 which was still Vanilla

Blizzard said they had 1.12 core working and that they are remodeling the 7.3.5 client to be in line with it. Like the demon summon and the response to kobald flee speeds from the demo I would say that blizzard has data that shows how it truly worked in 1.12.

All I have seen from evidence given in the past of its functionality is old videos and people’s memories. I don’t think we will have any idea until beta, and I think that it will grind some gears because it might work slightly different than it did on private servers. Just like demon summon.

That 1.10 reckoning guide is interesting, thank you.