I spent several hours testing this and just wanted to summarize the problem areas I found:
You will not gain charges if your auto attack is on and not facing your target.
If you auto attack and trade blows with a target, you rarely get double hits. Seems like you will only get a double if you are crit right when your swing timer is about full
In AV i do not get any charges from being stunlocked by a rogue. Tested twice in open world duel and it worked. No idea what’s happening there
Had several 1v2 fights where I would completely lose all of my charges in AV. Example: Fighting a rogue and a shadow priest. The rogue was following behind me and crit me several times, while I was focusing the priest. When i got to the priest I only hit him with 1 attack.
Random times I’ll have no extra attack or less then I should have
For the love of the holy light, Blizz please address this!