Reckful added as a Rogue trainer in Slands

He has a dialogue box that states, “It was nice to see you again”.

He additionally states, “I don’t train assassination rogues”.


:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :pensive:

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Is this a reference to never speccing the Mut/Prep build in WotLK?

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I think it might be, unsure though. There is supposedly more dialogue that is missing.

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Rogue trainer is kinda cool but class trainers are so useless it feels not as great imo. Still cool nonetheless.

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its mostly a gesture rather than a functional addition. it’d be cool if they gave him a r1 title like Vicious Glad

relentless or wrathful would sound cool because aLliTerAtIoN and were seasons he got r1 in


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Really glad they’ve done this.

Great job blizzard 10/10

This is good

wat if the title rotated every couple weeks to another r1 he got :open_mouth:


Nice gesture. I would have preferred a PvP vendor but anything is good. At least it looks like his character.

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“It was good seeing you again.”


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well done blizz, well done

He should have a pet turtle with the name Al Day.


I prefer whatever season he did the 117-4 in, which i believe was in Cata.

That was s9 I think. So cata. I’d also agree with it probably being his most iconic look, preferably with warglaives. But blizzard probably doesn’t want to stir the ‘rogues can’t mog glaives’ pot.

Very touching that they actually added him here. A fun detail is he’s in the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. Although it’s kinda a lame location unless they make it a sanctuary for horde players who want to visit him.

Hopefully he can talk to both factions so horde don’t constantly kill him.

Yeah. If I recall correctly the first season he got the first 3k was when Mut builds were the meta by, but he wanted to prove he didn’t need an overpowered spec to be good so he played Sub.

Kinda similar to how he played with double Warglaives in 2v2 during Cata.

Yeah. Not a lot of people played sub regularly in wotlk. Envenom too strong. I think reckful could be quoted something like why blind when you can envenom.

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