Recipe not dropping after switching proffessions?

Hello, i was LW earlier and had all of the new 8.3 recipes. Got some good drops and switched to JC to get ring instead.

However I’ve been farming for about 25 minutes and the recipe for the new ring isn’t dropping. anyone know what the issue could be, or have the same problem?

thanks in advance

any update on this? I’ve just switched professions and for the life of me cannot get the new ones to drop

It ended up just taking me like an hour for some reason. Make sure you’re hitting the black empire mobs. (Uldum this week.) I thought it was bugged but ended up just being really bad RNG. Good luck

Good to know, I’ve been I had tailoring/Blacksmith, but changed to leather working… now I can’t get anything to drop. Use to be 1-2 per daily vision, now I haven’t been getting any all week - and I’ve also been doing farming where before was just random daily’s.

Just glad it wasn’t me being bugged or anything… RNG seems to hate me this week.

Yeah… been during the zones and daily quest. As an update, I haven’t gotten anything all week. Something seems off.

Have same issue - dropped tailoring for BS and don’t get any recipes. The Focus is in the room but presumably it is a ‘tailoring focus’ and as my profession is now BS I don’t get drops. However, can’t find way to destroy focus and build new one…