Recipe: Ironshield Potion dropped in OHB Heroic, didn't get rolled

The Recipe for Ironshield Potion dropped in OHB H and myself and a druid got to roll on it. It showed both of us selecting “Need” as our roll option but it never proceeded to the part where it actually “rolls” the item and shows who won it. After we both selected Need it was no longer visible on the corpse and neither of us received it. No visible “roll” ever took place and neither of us received the item. A member of our group was dead when the rolling took place, wondering if this bugged the item out in some way? Put in a ticket about it and was given a crappy boiler plate response about how the item got rolled and one of us received it which we didn’t.

Only two scenario’s i can think of where this would happen. First one is that one of the alchemist died or wasn’t in the instance when the roll was completed.

The second is that whoever won had full bags and the recipe remained on the corpse, but wasn’t looted.

It’ll probably wash up in the mailbox.

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