Recently unbanned

So, now that blizzard has admitted they screwed up, and unbanned both of my accounts for using HotKeyNet to dual box. I was wondering if i could get confirmation that i can use HKN again, without fear of being banned for another 3 days.

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I can tell you right now, Blizzard will NOT confirm or deny the use of 3rd Party software. It’s use at your own risk.


Probably not going to happen here, or anywhere. False positives happen quite regularly.

While permitted, Blizzard doesn’t support the use of third-party software, and if it looks fishy to their software, you’ll likely get caught up in the net again. It just means you’ll only need to appeal again, no harm no foul.


They directly link to a source on their website that suggests using third party programs for multiboxing

Mind linking us this page?

Guess you missed this line:

We do not actively support multiboxing tools.

Like I said earlier, it’s all use at your own risk.


Guess you missed the part where they link to the wow wiki, that directly suggests using software lol

No where it list any add-ons or programs to use. Along with that, they link to a page not on their site. That link is the wow wiki page, not the wow website.


Doesn’t matter if they linked the wow wiki page, it’s irrelevant. They don’t support using 3d party tools to play the game.


And yet they don’t specifically support or endorse any particular software.

Because software tends to evolve. What is acceptable today may be updated tomorrow, and that update may cause the software to violate the EULA.

Also, that wiki page doesn’t list any specific software, let alone support or endorse it.


Only way Blizzard would 100% support a MBox software is if they built it themselves and integrated it into their code.

All 3rd Party software, including Addons, is ‘unsupported’, because Blizzard has no control of the making of that software. Were they to endorse it, and the 3rd Party owner adds botting features that are completely against the TOS, Blizz would be in a bad situation.

Basically, any 3rd Party software is at your own risk. Blizz might point you toward “here’s a helpful wiki on what you can do to Mbox”, but that’s the end of their liability.

Edit: sorry Thundertotem! Somehow replied to you and not the OP :frowning:


It’s alright buddy! I do it all the time too.

In addition to this, most multiboxing software has functions that can violate the WOW ToU if used. This software by definition has the ability to program macros with repeats and delays. Sure, as long as you don’t use those functions, you’ll likely be fine, but that doesn’t change the fact that all multiboxing software has these functions. And if Blizzard were to say multiboxing program is ok, people would immediately use these functions and then say “Hey you said it was ok”. They aren’t going to do that.


That article specifically says to check with a third-party (not Blizzard) site for help setting it up. That third-party (not Blizzard) references a few key-cloning options. No where does Blizzard actually suggest any third-party software for multi-boxing.


I cannot endorse a program we don’t make or have control over.

What I can tell you is if you use a program that may ordinarily be fine under our rules - but it includes features that AREN’T fine - and you USE THOSE FEATURES, you can still have issues.

Same for hardware.

If you can’t do something like a macro ingame - don’t do it through a program. The rule of thumb is always this. A program or hardware may allow you to string together things you couldn’t ordinarily do ingame, but don’t.