Recent Hotfix to ZC + FR: "Give us your Feedback! But we likely won't use it"

That’s all I’m seeing with this hotfix that went live. I’m so tired of being critical of you guys but you’re proving a point the player base as been pushing that our gold text wrappers literally mean nothing.

We gave you our feedback in the thread by Martek as well as some of us pulling suggestions from the player base as a whole and you just decided to go with “Let’s boost the drop rates and do nothing else.” Instead of listening to the actual problem that we stated would happen 6 months ago.

I’m tired of this cycle of being told to “Keep the feedback coming!” and then it feels like it hasn’t even been considered. You seem set and determined to push what you think is best instead of considering what the player base thinks is best.

I’m going back to my forum vacation because I can’t right now with these decisions. :upside_down_face: