Recent DDoS Attacks Impacting Game Service

Yeah, sorry, but not sorry. I’m done with this game. I never have this problem on any other game but this one and it just aint worth the stress.

Lets go back to medieval times shall we? If the attackers are caught their hands are broken so badly they can never use the to operate a pc again or cut em off completely like they used to with thieves. Maybe then these immature people will think twice about the consequences

I thought they were making a joke about being disconnected mid sentence. lol


You never know. People can be very dumb. Not to mention its very likely this person(s) is just paying for a ddos. Especially as the twitter account was just made yesterday and the guy had to ask for wow server IPs.

Time to roll the IPs again blizz -_-

people already tracked his youtube and personal facebook down. he deleted it because he got scared.


Have we tried maybe banning the source of the attacks, coulda helped to do that several hours ago

I’m Pro miltary UAV usage against any Hacker… Just remove his home from the planet. Thx.


He’s trolling guys… Either that or he’s the type of guy to think the moon landing was fake and the earth is flat.


Why not go after the one doing it? He’s been posting on twitter all day about it.

Jokes on you because both are true!

Do you have a tinfoil hat on right now?

Be friendly! :open_mouth:

Thanks bois!

Bravo for finally addressing this publicly. I hope that you will also publicly pursue prosecution of the offending parties.

Thanks for showing you have no idea how a DISTRIBUTED Denial of Service attack works, and therefore have nothing worth adding to the conversation.

the whole point is one guy talks to a bunch of other computers privately, then those other computers attack. there is no “source”


Guantanamo no longer exists and if it does it isn’t under US rule.

Why do I have the oddest feeling the DDoS attack is because of Classic being pretty popular so far?


Problem’s finding them.

there is a group on twitter claiming responsibility. loosen up them tinfoils there bahd

The first D in DDoS is “Distributed”. There is no one source to block, and depending on the size of the botnet system they have access to it can be pretty well impossible. It’s like a giant game of whack-a-mole.

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