Recent DDoS Attacks Impacting Game Service

I’ll quote myself from another post.

You’re not getting any free time although you can keep complaining and trying to justify it. Do you get a free flight when all flights are grounded due to weather? NOPE! Its out the airport/airliners control, and although your ‘service’ wasn’t provided, you’re simply SOL.


So I can get into the character select screen but the world won’t load.

So what’s the deal? Is some kid getting ganked in STV and this is how he gets back at his ganker?


I don’t know why…

… but this sounds like something a citizen would ask Superman.


Ill never understand why people do this but hes bragging on his twitter… Please blizzard shut this kid down!
And for any other players upset by this lets come up with a way to get this kid either shut down or spammed out of the internet.

Well it is obviously a diversion of sorts to something larger, or exactly what it is, A lil boy or girl with built anger issues and has I hate my mommy/daddy entitlement issue.


How does a multi-billion dollar company lose to a neckbeard DDoSer? Very frustrating to be 3/4 of the way thru a dungeon and this happens.


You are not a blizzard rep so you are talking out of your backside.

Blizzard back in the past when Vanilla was current, regularly credited their subscribers game time for THEIR server issues. This is THEIR issue, it sucks that they were DDoS but it is still their issue and not mine as a paying customer - my time deserves compensation.


a billionaire company cannot own a twitter oh my

you are challenged lol

The tweet is not from the actual person doing this.

Just lol at not understanding what a DDOS is in 2019.


i got free miles the last time i was delayed more than a day.


I think its more about attacking popular streamers to get notoriety, and while their at it, take down as much of whatever service their targeting at the time as they can.

Cool! Thank you!

lol at thinking everyone understands a DDOS in 2019

grow up little kid.


Actually I’m not. It wasn’t their screw up so why compensate for something that isn’t your fault. You also forget this isn’t vanilla from 15 years ago. This is 2k19 ActiBlizz, they will not be dishing out money in compensation for you missing out on $0.17 of your sub.


LOL…this has not been fixed…it continues

That’s what good companies do to their loyal customers, not shaft them and do as Blizzard does which is to say:

“woe is us we were attacked…we are just a billion dollar company and helpless so please understand and don’t mind that we scoff at wanting some game time compensation”.

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If I had a dollar for every comment like this by someone who clearly doesn’t understand DDOS, I could probably cover my subscription for the next year.


Just lol at not understanding what a DDOS is in 2019 and thinking you are going to make it in the future.