Recent DDoS Attacks Impacting Game Service

All WoW Realms except Rattlegore are back online and stable. The investigation continues for that realm. Some players may experience persistent login issues until realm maintenance tomorrow morning. posted on twitter Blizzard CS

Seriously? Why JUST US?

Wow…so they’re just gonna leave it until maintenance tomorrow? Great, its not like theres only one Saturday a week…

DDOS attack shouldn’t completely wreck a server. Whats happening?

Blizzard is being absolutely incompetent is whats happening

They are using rattlegore to track the person ddosing I would expect.

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I want to play >:|

No streamers on Rattlegore, so they can let the ddos attack go on until they find the source.

I guess now we know that rattlegore probably has the smallest population of players.

** Edit** If this server is going to be designated as some sort of “test” server or unimportant compared to all other servers I demand a free character transfer.


#Rattlegorelivesmatter … we are not some insignificant crap server. We demand Rested EXP!

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I have heard Blizzard knows who is doing the DDoS attack. Will criminal charges be pressed against the person in question?

By not permabanning the accounts of people who ask this question. Rather generous if you ask me.

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Guess I shouldn’t have just picked the lowest pop PVP realm at launch.

And no, it’s not the lowest pop realm anymore.

Don’t be pedantic. They’re not providing the main service we’re paying for.

At the very least, free transfers should be available if the server is going to be neglected like this in the future.

Can we just fix rattlegore? Today was my day off and I can’t describe how disappointed I am right now.

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Definition of entitlement folks.

Please fix rattlegore, this is unacceptable on my day off. All characters should have full rested exp

You poor people. Gotta deal with the massive storm that wqs the release and then this. Im so sorry.

Do you even understand what a DDos is or how the internet works? How exactly in your infinite expertise would you solve it? Maybe they will hire you. Every piece of hardware on the internet has a limited capacity. Billion dollar companies have a larger capacity, but it is not infinite. Contrary to this a botnet has near infinite capacity. If traffic in is greater than input capacity, you are down. Think of it as someone filling your cup with a firehose. Yes a big company may have a 32 oz cup instead of a 12oz, but it’s still a freaking firehose. Yes they might have a lid for their cup, but it is still a firehose.


Read this in FDR’s voice in the cadence of the Pearl Harbor speech for maximum impact.

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I was thinking this!!

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saw an article about the attack while at work.
came home and all realms available once i got home.
thank you blizzard for resolving so quickly. <3

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8+ hours offline is not quick resolution.